























(C103) 某日放课后









内容简介:制神符,炼体魄,修无上剑道,悟法则奥义……陈汐凭借过人的胆识和逆天的机缘,在这神魔纵横的大世界中,最终踏上无尽大道的巅峰,掌控天下!金鱼的微信公众号:搜索【 萧瑾瑜】添加即可!1w0-1065 >>


内容简介:前世,姜意意被人算计,惨死火场,一心想逃离的男人,却爱她入骨,护她至死。重活一世,她擦亮双眼,转身投入男人的怀里“男人,我宠你!”他勾唇一笑,拍拍枕头,声音蛊惑,“意意,过来!该宠我了 。”1w0-76946 >>


内容简介:小说《老潘风流的下半生》介绍:老潘一世风流、御女无数,临到了老了,却让自己的两个儿媳弄得心驰情迷,最终干起了扒灰乱伦的勾当。当前网址随时可能失效,请大家发送邮件到获取最新!Tags:老 潘风流的下半生无弹窗广告、老潘风流的下半生全文阅读、老潘风流的下半生手机阅读1w0-80872 >>


内容简介:南溪村是北部偏远的一个小山村,因美女众多,盛产美女而闻名,李恒最期待的就是年后,村里众多男人外出打工,作为村里唯一男性,李恒偶尔种种田,养养鱼,在顺便和村里的美女们做做“小生意。”各位 书友要是觉得《乡村邪医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96273 >>




内容简介:方锦在临死前发现了一个大秘密传说中冷漠无情,杀人如麻,从没有过任何表情的面瘫魔尊——他有一对小酒窝!!然后,就没有了然后……再次睁眼,回到了十六岁,上有护短的师父,下有花式宠爱她的师兄 师姐。方锦发誓,这辈子再也不作天作地,一定要远离大魔王以保小命!但是一想起魔尊大大可爱又迷人的小酒窝,方锦表示完全迈不动腿啊!【原来有只小猫发现了本尊的秘密?】【啊啊啊啊,魔尊大大,临死前我有一个小小的心愿!】【……嗯?】【请务必让我戳一戳您的小酒窝吧!】【……】HE,一笑就崩人设的万年面瘫魔尊(划掉)VS超级酒窝控迷妹魔怂怂2男主超级戏精,扮女装、装正太、多面转换手到擒来。3本文又名《我有特别的精分技巧》《如何透过面瘫表象看到其戏精的本质》4这是一篇披着修真文皮囊,实则完全是恋爱小甜文,毫无逻辑可言,介意者慎入!预收脑洞文,收藏走一波《这作妖的男主》简介:余芃芃从小力大无穷、武力值爆表,抄着板砖从临街的幼儿园一路打到城市另一头的重点大学。江湖人称芃姐,芃姐的名头能止小儿夜啼。直到一个每天都在用生命作妖的小道士拦住了她的去路。苏予:朋友,我观你根骨惊奇,天赋极佳,是修道奇才!芃姐:没脑子是病,得治。苏予:我上知天文下知地理,文武双全,天上地下绝无仅有!芃姐:我的菜刀说你今天有血光之灾。苏予:……我有天眼,会天算,可观人相、定吉凶,前知五百年后知五百年!芃姐:先抗过我的板砖?作者君的专栏请直接点击:超可爱的作者君专栏作者君的完结文直接点击:男主越养越歪了1w0-96802 >>


内容简介:三年亲密无间的陪伴暖化不了那个男人坚硬的心,看到霍景辰因为江青羽的回归而展露笑容的时候,江小鱼才突然明白,她之于这个男人来说什么都不是,所以痛快的放手,见面互不相识才是她与他最好的结局 。而这一次连老天爷都帮着她,塔台出事,所有人都以为江小鱼死了,可是她只是被人救起,但是却在那场事故中失去了一段记忆,也因此她忘记了曾经深深的爱着的慕景辰,从此被一个深深的爱着她的男人宠在了怀里。1w0-107877 >>


内容简介:他残忍下令,命人将十名少女的衣服扒光,扔入毒蛇坑内!“不听话,你也会像她们一样。”他勾起她的下颚,妖娆而笑。她是他在那11个少女俘虏中唯一留下的一个,她被他禁锢在身侧,不得不服从他所说 的一切。那个暗夜里,他慵懒地倚在沙发上,修长的手指朝她微勾,魅惑低语:“现在,过来陪我。”此刻,她有两个选择,一是走向刚刚吞噬了十个少女的毒蛇坑,二是……乖乖走向,如恶魔般的他。那么,她该如何抉择?1w0-69125 >>




内容简介:平底锅教你做人无限流是逸初折子戏作者的最新小说,平底锅教你做人无限流小说网提供平底锅教你做人无限流最新章节全文免费阅读,平底锅教你做人无限流下载,平底锅教你做人无限流全文字更新,平底锅 教你做人无限流无弹窗!请关注平底锅教你做人无限流吧,本站最新最快更新平底锅教你做人无限流的最新章节。1w0-70258 >>


内容简介:五千年前曾纵横寰宇的尘帝,在天地剧变,诸神黄昏之中用一梦千古之术成功逃脱了大道的追捕。一觉醒来,地球灵气已经稀薄到常人无法修炼的地步,曾经最平凡的天材地宝现在竟成了千金难求的东西。没有 打打杀杀,尘帝魏卿只想清净修炼,一点点恢复修为,不惹凡尘俗世。不料,就这样简单的愿望,实现起来都那么困难!找他求药的治病的,寻仇的找麻烦的,报恩的道谢的,搞得魏卿的清净日子一去不返。终于有一天,他再也忍不住了。【1w0-29809 >>


内容简介:怀揣艺人梦却被迫变成娱记的张怡被死后,魂穿成了第N线小艺人童黎。虽然只是线,但也算梦想实现!还没等高兴,她发现……这个小艺人居然还有强大的家庭背景!这个小艺人居然还有一个流隐婚老公!这 个小艺人居然混了三年还是个线!童黎不甘心了!资源在手,天下我有啊!从此揭穿渣男!撂翻绿茶婊!糊倒女强人!从此线变锦鲤,演啥啥都火,干啥啥都行!再后来,一群反派痛心疾首的告诉她,她不是什么锦鲤体质,而是她老公厉宫冥那OSS在后面不遗余力的捧她!童黎茫然:“厉宫冥,你捧我干啥,我糊了,咱俩不正好离婚?”厉宫冥:“我现在不离了,也不隐了,我要官宣!”1w0-79462 >>

Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang

From Chinatown KM: Bai Pingting has always been unable to believe the saying 'a woman's virtue is ignorance'. She is a maid of Jing Anwang, but she lives even better than some wealthly women. She is also wiser than most men and she hopes for a higher intellect. Even if that man is an enemy, both are full of lies and conspiracies. She is not fond of that man. But between a choice of love and loyalty, she will begin to think that she isn't as meaningful as she once thought she was...

Princess Agent Reborn

Sheng Qianyu was an agent who accidentally time traveled to the ancient time as the third daughter of King Yu. Yet the original owner of the body seemed to be unfavored by her family and lived a hard time before. Meanwhile, King Xuan got close to Sheng Qianyu and offered her a cooperation. What would he like to do? Anyway, it wouldn't bother Sheng Qianyu, for she had a firm tit-for-tat belief and would defeat her enemy no matter what!mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

Yume Miru Happa

The first collection of volumized short stories by the author of 'For You in Full Blossom' / 『花ざかりの君たちへ』 ('Hanazakari no Kimitachi e'). 1) The Dreaming Leaf (Yume Miru Happa) - Futaba (Two Leaves) departs for Tokyo to attend high school there. In order to relieve the financial burden slightly and achieve independence, she finds a live-in work situation at an old mansion. She becomes (fighting) friends with one of three good-looking fortune-telling employees there, Masato, who attends her same high school and is even in her same class. But then one day, Futaba discovers the secret of the old mansion... which is--!? 2) 17 Romance (17 [Juunana] Romansu) - Natsume, now in high school, was raised like the son her father never had, and so she's determined never to lose out to any man. Homare Misono has been her guy friend for 17 years. Despite their closeness, Natsume always feels the disadvantage her gender places her at. Homare is stronger and better than her at a lot of things. And after saving her from a pervert on the streets, he kisses her...!? 3) The Law of Couples (Futari no Housoku) - The Law of Couples states that all things happen in pairs -- including people. Sakiko seems to have found her missing half in Akio, a boy in her same class who always seems to say exactly what she's thinking. But who is she falling in love with? Akio, or the part of herself that she sees in him...? 4) 3) Heat Fruit (Haato no Kajitsu) - Meron and her best friend, Chiho, both have a crush on Uchiyama! Meron finds out after she's already told Chiho that she has a crush, so she needs to lie about who she likes in order to protect Chiho's feelings. She chooses... Ryou! The scariest, coldest guy in school, rumored to be an underground ring leader! If anyone will reject her love confession, it'll be him! It works, but then Chiho begins to cry for Meron's sake, and Meron turns to mush... she tells Chiho that she'll try harder to win Ryou's love...!? How deep is she going to dig her grave?? But... for some reason, Ryou really doesn't seem that scary to Meron...

Unbalance X Unbalance

A young man finds and returns a lost wallet and cell phone to a beautiful young lady, thus begins the destined relationship between two strangers. Sound typical? Well then, how about making the young lady the young man’s future homeroom teacher, and give them both a twisted sense of right and wrong. And just for kicks, let’s have the young man help himself to a self proclaimed reward from the lost wallet before returning it… but of course, this scenario wouldn’t be complete unless the young lady was very unforgiving when it came to teaching one of her students a lesson on morals. (Source: Infinity Studios)

Old Maid

Old Maid summary: 20XX. j.a.pan has become a super-aging society with half its population going over the age of 65. To put an end to the blockage of the society, a law has been worked out: “The Unmanaged Elderly Migration Law” or “Ubasute (abandoning old woman) Law” for short. Making every effort to save his grandmother from the evil law, high-schooler Kurata n.o.buhiko’s fate is…?

The Puddleford Papers

The Puddleford Papers summary: The Puddleford Papers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Puddleford Papers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


BlackCrown summary: Three hundred years ago multiple meteors broke into earth 's atmosphere and landed in various places. The meteors change the world. By releasing strange substances into the earth, air, and water the planet started to change. It was not until ten years later that the first batch of superhumans was born. They had abilities that could not be explained. Superspeed. Superstrength. Magic. The superhumans...

I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty

I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty summary: Tiariela Norfolk realized that this world was inside the peach-colored ero ero harem story that topped the charts from her past life.
Cute like a small animal, the protagonist joins hands with ikemen of superior quality, and it was a story chock full of age 18 restricted scenes.
Since she was a side character, Tiariela welcomed the ero-oyaji inside of her and planned to peek in frequently.
Due to Tiariela’s behavior, the story begins to go amiss…
“I didn’t mean it this way! I just thought that I should study and observe the ecchi scenes (stealthily from nearby) for future reference!”

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