




















简介因为一首歌怜和雨滴两人的命运出现交集,也正因如此,两人走上了命运的分叉口。我们总是在最开始觉得自己有多么爱对方,只是渐渐地,爱情失去了它原本的样子。 很多时候,我们最爱的,不过是自己罢了。[每周日更新,责编CC]毒舌男主x迷妹女主












内容简介:  这是一个读书人掌握天地之力的世界。  才气在身,诗可杀敌,词能灭军,文章安天下。  秀才提笔,纸上谈兵;举人杀敌,出口成章;进士一怒,唇枪舌剑。  圣人驾临,口诛笔伐,可诛人,可判 天子无道,以一敌国。  此时,圣院把持文位,国君掌官位,十国相争,蛮族虎视,群妖作乱。  此时,无唐诗大兴,无宋词鼎盛,无创新文章,百年无新圣。  一个默默无闻的寒门子弟,被人砸破头后,挟传世诗词,书惊圣文章,踏上至圣之路。  感谢阅文官方书评团提供书评支持!1w0-550 >>


内容简介:退婚当日,她给他算了一卦——大凶。于是,果真大凶。身着军装叱咤风云的他,因此“大凶”,成了她的顶头上司。一场退婚风云,一场隐婚历程,一场追妻之旅。他视她为掌心至宝,她却避他如洪水猛兽。 事实证明——这个人,这段情,是你的,那就——必须躲不过啊!楚凉夏永远也想不到,兜兜转转,她还是嫁给了他。一纸合约,一张结婚证,一个俊雅腹黑的男人,从此,楚凉夏开始了自己的隐婚生活。合约如下:一、婚后生活,各不干扰。二、亲戚朋友面前,该装的,那还得装;三、同居期间,互帮互助,以和为贵;四、……此合约,讲究公平公正的原则,绝对合理、互惠互利。楚凉夏很满意。但——结婚没多久,楚凉夏便悲催的发现,自己被坑了!那个衣冠楚楚的冷峻军少呢,怎么就成了个无耻的衣冠禽兽?!擦,脸呢?!【坑剧场一】婚前的生活——认真工作;认真相亲;认真坑蒙拐骗。婚后的生活——狠斗极品;智斗小三;勇斗家中那位爷!于是——楚凉夏爆发了!“我要离婚!”狠狠拍桌,楚凉夏手持桃花剑,直抵男人下巴。封子珩脸色一黑,一纸合同糊她脸上,“敢离婚,打断你腿!”【坑剧场二】晚上十点。楚凉夏手脚麻利的低头收摊。“算个命。”头顶声音飘来,冷得很。“收摊了!”楚凉夏头也不抬。“十倍价钱。”那声音强调。“成交……”楚凉夏欢喜地抬眼,可在瞥见来人后,笑容立即僵住,“再见。”抱着神棍必备道具,楚凉夏转身就跑!然——身后伸出一只手,揪住她的衣领。“这位爷,看您面相极佳,咱俩相遇算缘分,给您免个费如何?”楚凉夏一脸假兮兮的真诚。“再敢摆摊,扣两个月工资!”某位爷冷着脸开口。“……”某楚秒怂。下一秒,直接被丢上车。【坑剧场三】深夜。被压在床上的楚凉夏,抓住某位爷的衣领抗议。“合同上没这要求!”“也没禁止。”某位爷理所当然。“你个禽兽!”“楚凉夏,你果然天真。”某位爷冷笑。“……”于是,扑倒!本文又名《我是神算我怕谁》、《我家娘子会算命》、《兵哥哥该如何挽救媳妇的封建思想》、《剪刀手一波三折的成名史》、《爱上无耻军少该肿么破》,等。男主军人出身,霸道总裁一枚。女主歌手出身,神棍一枚(伪),有正经职业,后期当红明星。一对一,婚恋暖文,半娱乐圈,主打温暖搞笑的爱情故事,欢迎跳坑。PS:本文神棍设定乃虚构,一切纯靠作者YY,不涉及歪门邪道思想,不牵扯怪力乱神,请勿考究。1w0-29144 >>


内容简介:小兵提供榆生大神最新作品《向往的生活:高人师尊》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,向往的生活:高人师尊小说txt下载,向往的生活:高人师尊小说笔趣阁,向往的生活:高人师尊无弹窗!本站最新最快更 新向往的生活:高人师尊小说最新章节。1w0-80332 >>


内容简介:凶神肆虐,魔物横行。九州动荡,危如累卵。在这将要碎灭的灾厄大世中,苏旭意外的发现自己可以抽取诸天万界的技能与装备。来来来,你说你的天魔心法很厉害,试试我的神象镇狱劲。啥,你的天龙九式无 敌天下?他化自在法了解一下。呵呵,什么狗屁斩神刀,连老子盔甲都打不破,还是尝尝我的诛仙剑吧。渐渐的,苏旭发现世界上没有什么事情是抽奖解决不了的,如果有,那就抽两下。1w0-39582 >>


内容简介:今年是大唐贞观十四年,自己的父亲,秦琼秦叔宝,那是名人啊,而且还是两大门神之一。可是他在贞观十二年死后,府上的日子是一年不如一年,而且父亲死的时候,自己只不过刚刚14岁。自己作为秦琼的 长子,本来是袭爵翼国公的,但是3月前自己刚刚加冠,袭爵不到2个月,就因为崇贤馆一栋房子起火,也不知道谁说是自己放火烧的。李世民一怒,让自己本来可以世袭的国公,变成了一个开国县公。1w198-99978 >>






内容简介:  行走诸天,遨游万界,无尽维度的乐园。...殷长生对于把他强制入职成维度使徒的维度乐园并没有什么意见,但刚入职还没转正就得去击杀通风大圣猕猴王这事上表示强烈反对...一个普通的交流群 :957498027问题:什么鬼,答案:福缘鬼1w0-3398 >>


内容简介:姜芷穿越前是个根正苗红的好青年。如今成了个貌美心黑不择手段的恶毒农女。她想,一定要洗心革面重新做人。杜长肃是个被恶毒姑娘一家欺压的阴鸷少年。他想,若是有朝一日他扶摇直上,定要她为曾经的 所作所为,付出1w0-86801 >>




内容简介:墨白满级之后进入狐妖小红娘的世界,成为年幼时雅雅的守护灵,他表示很无奈。“放心去洗吧,我对小屁孩才没兴趣。”看着眼前像防狼一般防着自己的雅雅,墨白很平静的说道。雅雅:“就算我现在还是孩 子,可我还是会长大的啊!”墨白:“”本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人穿越《我是涂山雅雅的守护灵》小说推荐:终于嫁给岑先生、凤回巢、我家王妃会占卜、防弹BTSREsuming、朕的爪子一定要在上面gl快穿、嫡女重生:皇后很嚣张、1980开始做大亨、我,洪荒人道,开局阻止老子立教!、重生七五成长计划、主攻文一对一、跟大佬离婚后穿书、战锤巫师、神官的晋升之路gl、逆天双宝:神医娘亲美又飒、前方高能、绞刑师、金榜题名(科举)、我为你翻山越岭、我可以包养你吗?、晚辞、独有情钟【ABO】、妈咪又又又又跑啦、大隋之大暴君杨广、厉少余生请多关照、重生七零带萌娃、刺青、自从仙尊盯上我后、娱乐超级奶爸、次元幻想群、金主上位记1w0-99777 >>



Itsumo Miteiru Mono Dakara

Why did star player Shimada decide to attend a high school that isn’t known at all for its volleyball? During the final middle school volleyball competition, he performed spectacularly. However, Fujii has held a grudge ever since and absolutely hates Shimada.

Mayple-San No Koucha Jikan

From MangaHelpers: The story opens several years after a devastating war, where incredibly strong 'mechanical dolls' slaughtered many, many people. These robot weapons, which look exactly like humans, are still feared and hated. During a storm, Craw finds one of these 'dolls.' She is nothing like the weapon he would expect, but is instead gentle, cheerful, and very eager to be of use to the people around her. She claims her name is Mayple, and she seems to be programmed as a maid and cook. Soon, Craw has set up a cafe for Mayple to run, where she can cook sweets and tea for everyone in town. It's going to be a rough road ahead of her, as many townspeople hate her on principle and will not shrink from violence against her. But maybe Mayple, who always keeps a sunny attitude, will be able to find a way through the prejudice and make a place for herself in the post-war world. [tethysdust]

Retsujou No Rensa

By Backlash67: Yuuichi and Takasugi are still together; however, their relationship is threatened by new challenges that may be powerful enough to split them apart for good! Yuuichi’s inability to properly express his feelings to Takasugi and constant moodiness has finally driven Takasugi away. Yuuichi decides he will put aside his cowardly ways and open up to Takasugi. However, before he can successfully do so, Yuuichi faces an unexpected betrayal from a friend and colleague! How can Yuuichi escape the dire situation he finds himself in and will he be able to without Takasugi’s help?! Read in this order: 1. Okubyou na Junjou 2. Retsujou no Meikyou 3. Retsujou no Yuuwaku 4. Retsujou no Hazama 5. Retsujou no Rensa

Maousama No Yuusha Toubatsuki

The Demon King rules over all demons, and using his immense power, put the human race through 1,000 years of oppression. Thus, the human's era has ended and the demon's era has begun. Lucifer has inherited the title of Demon King passed down from his father. However, rather than fight the humans, he much rather just get along with them. Not only that, he becomes sick at the sight of blood. Since all the humans knew where the Demon King's castle was, he was constantly trying to be killed by assassins. So he decided to leave the caste and live out in the wilderness where humans couldn't find him... or so he thought. Since every man with power has been defeated by him, the humans sent a girl to defeat him. How will Lucifer deal with this beauty sent to destroy him?

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower!

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower! summary: Lin Wanwan is a pitiful mentally-disabled girl. Not only does she suffer abuse from her stepmother, her stepmother even attempts to use her as a s.e.xual commodity to pleasure others. Eventually, the poor Wanwan dies from an overdose&h.e.l.lip; 
Perhaps a G.o.d or a devil had witnessed her tragic fate, but Wanwan gets a brand new chance at life—an external soul takes over her body and gains Wanwan’s memories. 
The resurrected Lin Xiao swears to seek revenge for Wanwan. 
Having witnessed Wanwan’s death and resurrection process, Tang Chen is intrigued by the changes she undergoes. When he tries to cheat Wanwan to gain possession of her, a knight descends from the sky and saves her. He allows her to seek his help thrice. 
Just who is this mysterious knight? 
The revived Wanwan demonstrates her astounding talent and intelligence. Not only does she leave her enemies helpless against her, but she also becomes a celebrity who sweeps through the entertainment industry. Who exactly is she? 
When Wanwan interacts more with the knight, she realizes that he is actually a devil&h.e.l.lip; 
“From this moment forth, every inch of your body is mine. Resistance is futile.” 
He had descended like Satan, wantonly occupying her body and mind&h.e.l.lip; 
It’s fine. Even if he’s the devil, he would still be trampled beneath her feet.

Lament at Changmen Palace

Lament at Changmen Palace summary: A long time later, I began to understand the value of a golden palace. If Wei Zifu loved you, then her story could only have ended the way mine did. People often said that the limits of love lay in one’s ability to endure – to endure the fact that the man we loved would have three wives and four concubines. Wei Zifu managed to tolerate. So, she accompanied you by your side for thirty-eight years. She could accomplish this because she did not love you. All along, what she wanted was never love. If, from the beginning, all I wanted was only the precious throne belonging to an Empress, perhaps I would not have lost you as quickly as I had. — Translator’s Notes: This oneshot narrates the true story between Emperor Han Wudi (Liu Che) and his first wife, the deposed Empress Chen Jiao. Their story has been encapsulated into a famous chinese idiom called “金屋藏娇” (jīn wū cáng jiāo), which literally means ‘putting (Chen) Jiao into a golden house’.

Voluntary Madness

Voluntary Madness summary: Voluntary Madness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Voluntary Madness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Battle of The Press

The Battle of The Press summary: The Battle of The Press summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Battle of The Press. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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