













类别都市 恋爱 霸总


















内容简介:相亲遇到极品男,顺手拉了一个男人和他说要去领结婚证,半个月之后两人拿着一本红本本出来之后,她才知道顺手拉的男人是墨城权贵家族的钻石王老五。“今天我不小心,毁了张家的宴会!”某女心虚的盯 着天花,不太敢看那个光芒四射的男人。“没事,反正有什么损失他也不敢找我要!”男人邪邪一笑,长臂一伸,站着的女人就掉落进去他怀中。“你这么宠着,万一宠坏了怎么办!”戳了戳男人的胸肌,手感还是不错的,就是不知道怎么练出来的。“宠坏了,我负责。不过女人你惹的火,你要负责!”不在给她说话的机会,直接封住了那张一直张合的嘴。1w0-99593 >>


内容简介:重回S7,绑定了【浪就能变强】系统的叶浪,一天不浪就不舒坦!冠军我全都要!rita、余小霜、二珂、小团、腐甜……厂长:“小浪啊,快回来吧,别再浪了!”系统提示:喷他Q!“EDGLang 已经超越神了!”叶浪:“厂长你说什么?”厂长:“……”“恭喜宿主冲泉水击杀faker,浪得一匹!奖励1000点浪比点!”“恭喜宿主一本书关键词:游戏竞技爽文美女LOL《LOL之浪就能变强》小说推荐:领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、超级兵王步千帆、林家霸王花、跨物种相亲、海贼之与龙有缘、寄生谎言、奸臣、秋以为期、僵尸世界:随机翻倍、陌上花开为君归、最高赦免、全球神祗:我创建了scp世界!、穿成初恋白月光快穿、掌家小农女、我家山庄通万界、我、我是你的、大唐:开局融合霍去病、师尊总想再补救下、启蒙、海贼:垂钓就变强、绯闻太多是我的错吗、独独有晴天、走眼、英雄学院:我有英灵系统、猎狮Ⅰ、劳资苏明成,世界首富、穿越诸天之无上天庭、吃软饭的正确打开方式、六十度角1w0-60320 >>


内容简介:本书又名《这个种族明明超强却显得过分白痴》,《论有脑子的人跑进太空歌剧中会发生什么》,《灵能文明发展科技树的正确姿势》本书阐述的仅是作者个人对灵能这种奇幻设定的一种逻辑推演,因为灵能本 来就不存在,所以也请不必太过较真,如果你发现书里有什么不合理的地方……别问,问就是灵能,灵能解释一切。蜂潮肆虐星河,在河系诸多文明的共同努力下,嗜血残暴的蜂群终于被压制下来,一颗颗满是工蜂的巢穴行星被巨像炸成陨石矿带,当蜂群早已被改造为蜂群巢穴的母星上空出现庞大的歼星巨像,蜂群的失败已成定局,在这亡族灭种的关键时刻,蜂群主宰磅礴的灵能贯穿时空,以献祭自身为代价让伟大存在降临,只求在灭亡的危难中挽救蜂群,于是太阳系中的某人就这样莫名其妙的被抓了壮丁……作者:政泓所写的《开局一艘巨像骑脸》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-97420 >>


内容简介:胆小怯懦的孤女重生在斗兽场,是绝望,还是新的希望?云洛想要变强,让想要守护的人一生平安!而某大爷只想爬床,爬上小狼崽香喷喷的软床!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之天降仙妻》还不错的话 请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69294 >>


内容简介:人生如游戏,游戏似人生。这是个关于金钱,梦想和人生的故事。各位书友要是觉得游戏系人生还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦游戏系人生最新章节游戏系人生无弹窗游戏系人生全文阅 读各位书友要是觉得游戏系人生还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦陈年小九最新鼎力大作,年度必看都市小说。1w0-29611 >>


内容简介:城市天空,诡云奔涌三年前恭州市的缉毒行动中,因总指挥江停判断失误,现场生连环爆炸,禁毒支队伤亡惨重。三年后,本应早已因过殉职并尸骨无存的江停,竟奇迹般从植物人状态下醒来了。英魂不得安息 ,他必须从地狱重返人间,倾其所有来还原血腥离奇的真相。现代都市刑侦,英俊潇洒十项全能进可百米狙人头退可徒手拆炸弹没事就爱装个逼的攻amp因为反正随时准备完蛋所以不管生什么事l0ns3v31w5896-82028 >>


内容简介:神秘的药剂,使得末世降临,原本是个普通人的林飞,却因为得到了系统,过的风生水起,一步步的解开,末世降临的秘密。开局一条狗的末世故事,从这里开始。新人新书,请大家多多支持,多多指教,多多 评论,多多收藏,谢谢。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末世御兽师系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79906 >>


内容简介:  CM-4S店大老板,天生狂妄不羁,冷冽张狂,浑身带着一股子野气,一看就是难管的主。谁曾想,突然有一天就栽了。见到人姑娘就迈不动腿了。第一次表白被拒绝后,大醉了一场,舔着脸贴了上去。 第二次被拒绝后,郁闷了几天,舔着脸又贴了上去。第三次被拒绝后,江湛抱着还剩了一半的酒瓶,堵在黎宴家门口,把她抵在门上,眼角蕴上猩红,醉醺醺地问:“你老说强扭的瓜不甜,今天我就试试这强扭的瓜,到底有多苦。”黎宴:你很好,不管是神坛上的你,还是神坛下的你,都是我的骄傲。江湛:我要许个愿,希望我的黎医生,往后一辈子遇见的人,都像江湛一样好。你说你会来,所以我一直等,你没来,我还是等了,最后你来了。PS:【双向救赎】【治愈】【偏宠】【护短】狂妄不羁4S店老板--冷艳乖戾外科医生——黎宴发现这传闻中不进女色的江老板,看她的眼神不太对劲,好心提醒:“我觉得你还是不要对我有想法。”江老板挑眉:“理由。”黎宴:“我有喜欢的人。”江老板叹息一声,颇为不要脸的说:“正好,没挖过墙角,想试试。”“……”1w0-3272 >>


内容简介:妖魔东京,百鬼夜行,我有一家黄泉手办店。店里手办很多,裂口女、土蜘蛛、河童、座敷童子、络新妇、八岐大蛇……客人也真不少,这里是满心怨恨的怨魂们最后之地。签下契约就能够借助手办的力量化身 诡异复仇。心怀仇恨的灵魂啊!逢魔之时,百鬼夜行之刻,我逢魔时王在黄泉手办店等你。我是死国之主,我是你们的救赎。又名《我在东京卖手办》,《黄泉手办店》。1w0-32712 >>


内容简介:  为了拯救人类,通过时间机器打入敌营!  原本以为穿越能够让我摆脱父母这个不负责任的名字!  没想到穿越之后……  姓名:土宫阿米妥  职业:男巫  特技:脱发,呸,是降灵术!  ( 综漫同人,谏山黄泉,两仪式,桔梗。)  第一副本:食灵零  第二副本:火影(有点失败,不喜欢可以跳过。)第三副本:空之境界第四副本:犬夜叉———————————读者群:2029834351w0-2218 >>




内容简介:六年前——她说:“给我一百万,我让你要个够!”他将她抵在墙壁上:“秦暮楚,我们之间彻底玩完了!”六年后,再次重逢——他压她在床,“一百万的交易,该是时候连本带利的讨回来了!”“可是我已 经结婚了!”对,她结婚已有大半年了!虽然,她对自己的丈夫一无所知,甚至连姓甚名谁她都不清楚。她唯一知晓的是,众人在提及那个男人的时候,无不敬之重之。直到有一天,那个男人如天神般降至她跟前,救她于危难之中,她震惊,不敢置信的瞪着眼前的坏男人。1w0-83638 >>

From 701 Goushitsu

Youta was living with his big brother when a guy named Takamasa, a colleague of Youta's respectul brother, suddenly stepped into their life and after a bet, tried to seduce him... ~from Countless Time

Ai No Dna

Ever since he was young, Miharu has suffered from phantom pains. When his divorced parents decide to reunite after 15 years of separation, he discovers the exact reason why: his younger brother, Natsu. Apparently, he and his brother are astrological twins. Miharu feels Natsu's pain, but... Natsu doesn't feel Miharu's? That's just not fair!

Elysion No Tobira

Consists of two parts - Elysion no Oto (Sound of Elysion), and Elysion no Tobira (Door of Elysion). Elysion no Oto: Gilbert Lorenz knows that he will never be able to obtain the heart of an emotionless man like Sudou Kouichi. Ever since he was a child, he was loved for nothing but his music; it was as if it triggered a myseterious passion in people's hearts. At Kouichi's request, Gilbert decides once again to play the violin which he had long since given up, unable to refuse the request of the man he loves. But after hearing the sound of Elysion, Kouichi is enraptured by Gilbert's music, so much that he not only wants to dominate Gilbert's heart, but his very being... taken from bliss website

Ultra Heaven

The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...


Loneliness summary: Loneliness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Loneliness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Likely Story

A Likely Story summary: A Likely Story summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Likely Story. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sword Art Online - Progressive

Sword Art Online - Progressive summary: One month after Akihiko Kayaba’s game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand players having already lost their lives to the ultra-difficult VRMMO world of Sword Art Online. On the day of the strategy meeting to plan out the first-floor boss battle, Kirito, a solo player who vows to fight alone to get stronger, runs into a rare, high-level female player. She gracefully dispatches powerful monsters with a single rapier that flashes like a shooting star in the night…This volume contains three stories, including “Aria of a Starless Night,” which details how Kirito came to be called the Black Swordsman, and “Rondo of a Fragile Blade,” the tragic tale of a young blacksmith that takes place before the second-floor boss fight.

I Was Reincarnated But I Don't Know Why

I Was Reincarnated But I Don't Know Why summary: By the time I noticed, I was staring at the hands of a baby. It seems like for some reason, I got myself reincarnated. I also knew that I posses great power (Physics). However, I was born in a really small peaceful village, and there’s no place for me to demonstrate that power. I’m also able to make a lot of friends, but I was born with a sickly body as a child… I tried doing various things in order to grasp that power, what I thought at that time was 『I want to go on an adventure freely』. Incidentally, when went to the capital I raised a fuzz, why won’t you let me do whatever I want? And that’s where everything began.

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