


























杨家大少杨海浪因为感情问题被情绪失控的前女友当街打伤住院,不仅如此还上了新闻头条,老爷子当即发话,让杨海浪在住院的医院也就是自家医院实习,对外表示改过自新重新做人。 原本以为可以换个地方继续浪天浪地的杨家大少不想在这次的实习中遇到了影响他一生的对手。






内容简介:新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传——————————龙上九天凤舞神州叹一声乱世风流吟一曲千秋长歌乱世将尽的大时代中,多少人在统一天下的千秋大业中挣扎沉浮,成 就着一个个传奇。她是王者的利剑,亦是智者的棋子。身在局中,清醒而决绝,对己亦对人,对心亦对身。因此,即使那人伤她至痛至深,她仍然奉上忠诚,为他的王图帝业殆精竭虑。江山如画千古风流她惊才绝艳,冷情漠然。他立于九重,意在天下。前因种种,他们亦曾一往情深,执手盟约,时至今日,伤痛入骨,覆水难收,谁之错?在这场以天下为局的游戏中,他们可以君臣同心,只是大局已定时,她可能回头,他可能牵手?其实,执着也罢,放弃也好,唯一的希望,只不过是多年后能对自己说:“此生无悔!”本文终于有封面了。在此,特别感谢秋夜挑灯、闾阖、十七、无字不香与丫丫!1w0-78854 >>


内容简介:简介:【女扮男装+娱乐圈】国际一级通缉犯顾缘死了,死的非常凄惨,不少人欢呼雀跃,拍手称快。人们不知道,她是警方的卧底,潜伏长达六年,下场却是尸骨无存。再睁开眼,顾缘发现自己重生成了一个 19岁的少年,女扮男装的少年。继弟作祟?没事,总有给他送终的那天。继母欺压?不慌,女子监狱欢迎你的到来!记住,咱从不使用暴力,咱走法律!只是……好好的混着娱乐圈,怎么就成国民男神了呢?1V1,大女主文,绝对女强1w0-27388 >>


内容简介:顾凡穿越玄幻世界,开局就是噬神体,只要吞噬资源就能变强。不过。家族太废没有检测出来,将他打发到拍卖场做一个小场主。“叮!”关键时刻,系统觉醒!绑定拍卖万倍返还系统,只要拍卖出去的物品, 都能叠加倍数返还!“叮!宿主拍卖一阶聚灵丹,十倍暴击返还九霄聚灵丹!”“叮!宿主拍卖一阶寒铁剑,百倍暴击返还问心灭世剑!”“叮!宿主拍卖一阶功法,千倍暴击返还元始时空秘典!”“叮!宿主拍卖039各位书友要是觉得《拍卖万倍返还,开局一座拍卖场!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67476 >>


内容简介:他本是一方战神,却因为伤病一傻三年,被人百般凌辱,唯有漂亮妻子与他不离不弃!情敌千方百计把他妻子骗到酒店,这时,他突然苏醒!战神归来,势不可挡!凡欺辱我者皆需付出代价!1w0-2916 0 >>




内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】穿成自带锦鲤好运的团宠老幺,成了爹娘手心里的宝贝疙瘩,简直美滋滋!家里穷的叮当响?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,干啥啥挣钱,走路都能被金元宝绊倒!爹娘 包子,极品亲戚欺负?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,谁作妖谁倒霉!重生而来的堂姐想取代她团宠地位?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,天之庇佑!不过……隔壁的那个死对头,怎么看她的眼神越来越不对了?【双洁宠文1v1,虐渣打脸爽炸天】1w0-82730 >>


内容简介:小兵提供佐润大神最新作品《住在死对头兜里》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,住在死对头兜里小说txt下载,住在死对头兜里小说笔趣阁,住在死对头兜里无弹窗!本站最新最快更新住在死对头兜里小说最新 章节。1w0-82331 >>


内容简介:在玩网游《万界归一》的时候,言落月穿越了,穿成了龟族刚刚诞生的一只小乌龟。幸好系统账号和她一起加载过来,背包中的技能书和装备还在。然而账号信息出现BUG。于是,年复一年,言落月眼看着自 己的血条无限变长。每年过生日的时候,言落月的血条上都会增加一个0。穿越的第一年,言落月动用所有神器,以免脆弱的自己被口水呛死。穿越的第十年,言落月摘下全部装备,进入族中禁地晃了一圈。被封印的所有妖魔围着她砍了三天三夜,最终累到口吐白沫。穿越的第一百年,言落月抬头一看,发现自己的血条已经横贯了整片大陆。有人请教言妖尊:“无敌寂寞吗?”言落月和蔼地回答道:“傻孩子,无敌怎么会寂寞呢,无敌可爽了。”1w0-81684 >>


内容简介:《末世重生gl》是早知精心创作的都市言情,小兵实时更新末世重生gl最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的末世重生gl评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持末世重生gl读者的观点。1w0-10 5662 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:盗墓:和明星摸金365天】土夫世家出身,人称小佛爷的张晨,穿越道平行世界,和黄垒,黄渤,洪雷,丫丫,胖迪,查娜一起参加一部名为《我们一起去摸金》的考古真人秀节 目!张晨是唯一的素人嘉宾!这个节目以三百六十五天24h天眼直播的方式呈现给观众!节目组不会在除了发生生命危险以外的任何时刻给与嘉宾帮助!以绝对真实的经历呈现给观众!三百六十五天,所有嘉宾需要完成十座古墓探险!开局便是龙岭迷窟!任何嘉宾在接受节目组提供帮助之后,便视为淘汰自动离开节目!如此残酷的条件下,张晨凭借丰富的经验和系统帮助,征服了所有观看节目的观众!洪雷:“张晨才叫狠人!魁星踢斗,踢飞大粽子,我华强真的服飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢盗墓:和明星摸金365天,别忘记分享给朋友作者:植物人所写的《盗墓:和明星摸金365天》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-65721 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:开局一家芯片工厂】杜博得到了“文明之光”系统系统:“芯片工厂,已经建造完毕。”系统:“固态电池工厂,已经建造完毕。”系统:“飞船发射基地,已经建造完毕。 ”系统:“月球生存乐园,已经建造完毕。”系统:“火星移民家园,已经建造完毕。”……杜博的征途是星辰大海飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-83002 >>

Taka Wo Kukurouka

Collection of one shots. 1. Aisaka tends to get in a lot of fights and Tadaka is the school playboy. On a chance meeting where Aisaka gets beaten to a pulp, Tadaka offers to carry his bruised body home. There, Tadaka makes a deal with Aisaka that if he doesnt fight they'll have a sexual relationship. 2. Masaru and Sugeru are identical twin brothers. Sugeru tends to enjoy using his brothers name to chase skirts and Masaru is the one who always gets the beatings when people come looking for revenge. Its not TOO much of a problem until Masaru meets Masato. A nice guy who really loves Sugeru (who's just using him for money), and it wouldnt be a problem if Masaru wasnt falling for Masato himself. 3.Koike an average student is best friends with Jinnai, a student who excels. When they get into separate high schools Koike still cannot forget what he felt for him, so when Jinnai comes around for a visit, Koike jumps on his chance to tell him how he really feels. 4. Tomonaga is forced to go to an all boys school when his mother is fed up with his delinquent ways. He expects an torn down rough school, and instead gets a school sparkling with gay pretty boys. Not that he's happy about it. At least his roommate Natsume is normal...in a sense. 5. Rather than bumming around all summer his mother orders Yoshimura to get a job. He quickly gets one at a barbeque shop under Sakashita who's grandfather is in the hospital. Yoshimura is surprised by how instantly drawn he is to Sakashita and spends a majority of his time at work trying not to give into his new temptations. 6. A haphazard public morals committee member and a touchy troublemaker. 7. A hot tempered judo club member who loves fights and the (um, playboy?) who provokes him by staring at him lustfully, which he mistakes for a stare of wanting revenge.

Strobe Light

In the night train, Tadashi Hamazaki revives how he met his ex-girlfriend Mika Machida... in an extraordinary way.

Seiken Densetsu: Legend Of Mana

Legend of Mana is set in the fictional world of Fa'Diel. The Mana Tree, the giver of mana and life for the world, burned down nine centuries prior to the events of the game. A war erupted between faeries, human, and others seeking the scarce power of mana that was left. When the war concluded, the drained Mana Tree slept and the many lands of the world were stored in ancient artifacts. A hero, controlled by the player, is self-charged with restoring the world, and its mana, to its former self. The Lands of Fa'Diel are populated with a large number of different creatures, including humans, faeries, demons, the jewel-hearted Jumi race, plant-like Sproutlings and Flowerlings, miner bears called Dudbears, and shadowy beings of the Underworld known as Shadoles. Fa'Diel is also the home of a host of anthropomorphic animals and objects, as well as monsters from other Mana titles such as Rabites, Chobin Hoods, and Goblins.

Seijou Kouchakan No Jijou

A guy by the name of Shino is in love with a girl named Maruyama, and he asks his friend Akira to help set him up with her. Unfortunately, Akira ends up dating Maruyama instead of hooking her up with Shino. Depressed, Shino heads down to a black tea shop run by a guy named Shuuji to drown his sorrow by pigging out on cakes. Sometime in the past, Shuuji had a spat with a friend or something (referred to only as “that guy”) who thinks the best way to make up is send mysterious unmarked packages of randomly selected tea. I guess he has a history of sending dangerous gifts, as Shuuji gives Shino the tea “on the house” to see if it’s poisoned. Well, the tea appears to have been laced with a genie, who promptly grants Shino his desire to be with Maruyama... But be careful of what you wish for.

The Collected Short Fiction

The Collected Short Fiction summary: The Collected Short Fiction summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Collected Short Fiction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey

Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey summary: Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Am A Big Villain

I Am A Big Villain summary: The sc.u.m’s or villain’s long road of transformation was tentatively set to the world: The abandonment of the educated youth’s wife (Completed) The hidden marriage of the sc.u.m film emperor (Completed) The best brother in the world (Completed) The Phoenix male who destroy the bridge after crossing the river (Completed) The treasonous general (Completed) I’m an honest man (Completed) To become the top scorer in the School of Agriculture (Completed) The soft rice man’s self-cultivation (Completed) The whole world is reborn (Completed) I want to survive on a desert island (Completed) The stallion male who has seized the opportunity (Completed) The perverted self-salvation (Completed) The spring of the loafer (Completed) The misplaced life (Completed) The miser career (Completed) The ghost is out of feeling (Completed) The Queen’s favorite husband (Completed) The vicious girl with her G.o.dfather (Completed) I want to be a good person (Completed) I does not tear up the family (Completed) The perverted common plant (Completed) The Mary Sue’s men (Completed) Every time I was reborn, someone wants to kill me (Completed) The old people’s counterattack path (Completed) The global evolution (Completed) When I became a net red (Completed) For you, good person (Completed) His heart had white moonlight (Completed)

Medica Sacra

Medica Sacra summary: Medica Sacra summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Medica Sacra. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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