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类别科幻 热血 玄幻




内容简介:《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》简介:《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》小说里主要讲述的是:清纯少女,青涩萝莉,双胞姐妹,熟美少妇,美艳贵妇,金发女郎,所有极品女人,先后压在身下!校花警花,教师空姐 ,白领丽人,白富美人,权贵娇女,嫩模女星,欧美日韩美女,一律大被同眠!纵横华夏,风靡港台,横扫日韩,压倒欧美,成就新的传奇!多种身份,各种职业,不做种马,独爱后宫,只收极品女人!您要是觉得《艳娇龙欲【屌《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》是洪昊天精心创作的小说。1w95036-100254 >>


内容简介:《我在绝地求生捡宝箱》“叮,恭喜宿主发现过期的蟠桃。”“叮,恭喜宿主得到”这都是什么奇奇怪怪的东西?段玉成进入人生低谷,意外被系统选中,能够从敌人的盒子中捡到亮晶晶的宝箱!“什么?给我 学,给我学!”从此之后什么‘技能’‘金钱’‘古董’‘功法’‘跑车’只要你能想到,我就能刷到!灯一关,眼一黑,电脑一开,上才艺!“玉成,先扶我!”“不,我去捡个宝箱再来扶你!”“玉成哥哥,你看看我!”“NO,你没有宝箱重要!”1w0-77371 >>


内容简介:“没有人一开始就站在天上。”“不管是火影或者忍界之神。”“但这天之王座的空窗期已经太久了。”“从今日起,我将立于天上。”木叶上空,漩涡鸣人的发胶手在垂下的刘海上一抹,露出凌厉的双眸。沸 腾的蓝光自黑夜降下,牵引着漩涡鸣人自天上而去。下方的木叶各位书友要是觉得《木叶:被蓝染教导的鸣人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98782 >>


内容简介:位面万千,纵横交错,无尽的位面,无尽的掠夺。神功秘籍或天材地宝取之不尽,用之不竭。各位书友要是觉得《掠夺在影视世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-8108 1 >>


内容简介:“我想结婚!”民政局门口,她没有配偶,哭得上气不接下气。“那就结啊!”第一次见面的他,强势将她带进了民政局。一场闪婚,将她和华夏国最神秘、也是权势最大的男子绑在了一起。他一直在背后默默 为她保驾护航,让她成了全华夏国女人的羡慕对象。只有这笨女人不知道,还傻乎乎的以为他是公务员……某夜,正研究剧本的沐可人。拍开了在她身上游走的手。“皇擎天,你没看到我正在搞艺术?”“你搞艺术。我搞你,叫深入艺术!”皇擎天邪笑,将其打横抱起!1w0-65985 >>


内容简介:谁怜葬花人作者:蓝湖月崖类别:架空历史文案:一本能延长寿命的医学奇书,引诱来各方势力的疯狂追逐。那人魅笑:“你们一身富贵,玩尽了天下间绝艳的美色。但是,我就偏偏要你们尝尝这天下最丑、最 低贱的女人。”于是他找到了妓院里面容最丑的女人,把藏放奇书的地图,染在她的后背之上享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w0-81719 >>


内容简介:现代天才法医唐棠,穿成古代纨绔嫡小姐。原主人品恶劣,三观不正,树敌无数,还是个大花痴,没事,人品可以攒,三观可以扶,敌人可以除,至于那天下第一美王爷咱也没兴趣。披上咱的小马甲,一心一意 搞事业,验尸破案咱最行,一朝马甲掉了地,王妃从此靠破案,轰动全京城。天下第一美王爷:“本王女人,就是了不起。”唐棠:“你不去夺皇位,1w0-37483 >>


内容简介:《第一仙门系统》文预计3月23号V2660章属于倒V看过的亲不要重复购买哦吹逼版:萧羽接了个任务,身带游戏系统在仙侠异世开山立派,收徒弟招妹子,拳打当世豪杰,脚踩豪门世家。足下乾坤风云 动,一人登高万民拥。创立新时代修道之路的标杆。现实版:呵呵呵呵呵,这破烂糟心的世界,趁早毁灭吧,赶紧的!重心:人物剧情、成长升级流长长长长长1、主角对灵气无感应,出手全是游戏技能,技能全胡扯,反正只要帅就够1w0-28475 >>


内容简介:预收《悄悄揣个崽》求收藏正文已完结,可宰韩国公府陆凝,位高权重,俊美无俦,京城不知多少贵女芳心暗许。只有沈娇知道,上辈子他冷血无情,野心勃勃,她替姐姐嫁于他,不足两年他便谋反,连累她凄 惨而死。沈娇不知道的是,她死后他也彻底疯了,甚至用几十年寿命换了她的重生。重生归来,沈娇只想离他远远的,求一世安宁。半夜,忽地惊醒,他却站在她的床前。男人修长如玉的手,拂过她的眉眼,落在她唇上,眼底是让人难懂的晦涩,“沈娇,你只能是我的。”天堂也好地狱也罢,他在哪儿她就得在哪儿。沈娇止不住的轻颤。再次成亲后,她始终战战兢兢,一日不小心摔了他最宝贝的一块玉,沈娇吓得脸都白了,终日紧绷的情绪也有些崩,她试探着又摔了一块。她等着他兴师问罪,谁料男人只是扫一眼地上的狼藉,便将人抱到了床上,“伤着没?”沈娇紧绷着小脸,严肃道“我故意的!”只盼他一怒之下,送她一纸休书。丫鬟小厮都觉得她要完。然而男人眼皮都没掀一下,“娇娇若喜欢摔,我明日让人将库房的玉器全搬出来。”沈娇有些懵,直到晕乎乎当上皇后,她才明白,这人惦记她不是一天两天了。——推荐一下自己的预收文:古言:《悄悄揣了个崽》by墨子哲太子裴行面若谪仙、才情斐然,却偏偏冷淡疏离,对女人避若蛇蝎,纵使如此,依然有不少贵女削尖了脑袋,想当他的侧妃。他成亲三载,膝下却始终无子,直到太子妃愤怒之下,回府不归,太子有隐疾一事,才忽地传遍整个朝野。请奏废黜太子的奏折一日多过一日。见太子如此处境,陆晓晓满心担忧。奈何她不过陆府一个小小庶女,就算有心帮他,也无能为力,唯有去寺庙烧香时,祈求菩萨保佑他尽快圆房。谁料,她竟梦到自己与太子……早上醒来,陆晓晓只觉罪过。上香时,她改而祈求太子尽快有个子嗣。回府后,她的肚子竟一日日大了起来。陆晓晓有些惊恐,赐婚的圣旨,却突然降临陆府。见皇上不仅没有废黜太子,还荒唐地将一个庶女许给太子为正妃,众位大臣不由抽了抽眼角。贵女们也都等着看陆晓晓的笑话,太子连她们都瞧不上,又岂会看上身份这么低贱的玩意?直到宫宴上,她们瞧见,一向冷淡矜贵的太子,竟亲自抱着她离席,他眉眼冷淡,落在她眼睛上的吻却那样轻柔。这个太子一定是假的——古言:《思慕》by墨子哲豆豆无依无靠,可怜巴巴长到十二岁时,在河边捡了个男人,他衣衫褴褛,满身鲜血,却难掩周身的气质。豆豆偷偷将他藏了起来,哪怕自个都填不饱肚子,却足足养了他三个月,他走时,将豆豆带到了京城。豆豆这才知道,他竟是鼎鼎大名的摄政王,而她则从个小村姑,一跃成了他护着的宝。及笄前,提亲的人踏破了门槛,豆豆拒了一个又一个。摄政王眉峰微挑,“真没有相中的?不论相中了谁,我都能将人绑到你跟前 >>


内容简介:云泽一觉醒来成了侯府的小公子。侯府家教很严,小公子的生母早逝,继母漠不关心,月钱被下人克扣,每顿饭只能吃三分饱。邻家公子俊美大度,云泽成了对方的朋友,对方看云泽可爱又可怜所以常常投喂各 种美食。1w0-83788 >>



The Sword Of Paros

There is a legend in the kingdom of Paros -- a legend of the Sword. It is said that if one who is unfit to rule should wield it, it will mean the ruin of the kingdom. As sole heir to the throne of Paros, Princess Erminia must accept the Sword and a husband when she comes of age on her next birthday. But the princess refuses to wed any man who is less of a man than she -- which excludes every man in the kingdom! Just when Erminia is ordered by her father the king to wed her foster brother Yurias, she has a fateful encounter with the unfortunate, beautiful maiden Fiona..!?

Taming A Defective Angel

{From Tarot Cafe} Suyun's parents died when she was little. She is raised by a too-soft 'Bro' and a money crazy sister that sends her to part time jobs by screaming each and every day. The only money she is allowed to have and spend is the money she earns; part of the money she earns, that is. So she works 24 hours a day- during morning she works as a student while during night she works as a par-time job girl. But she doesn't think that is enough... That is why she secretly works as 'Guardian Angel', one who defeats those who have bullied the weaker. For a price, that is. What will happen when Suyun meets a real angel- a real angel that has been banished from paradise for the time being?

Dengenki Love Machine

Collection of crazy tales of love. 1) Electrical Shock Love Machine One of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, has zero interest in boys or romance. That is, until she meets Bansaku. He seems like a very average boy, unless one looks very closely... and Madoka does. She becomes so hypnotized by the little things about him that she loses her good senses, and when she regains them, she finds herself touching poor Bansaku, who has no idea what she's playing it! Madoka has spent her life dodging the unwelcome advances of desperate male love machines... Does Bansaku feel the same sort of disgust for Madoka's long-repressed, electrically-charged lust? 2) My Baby: Morimura Aki's handsome looks attract women by the thousands, but his violent manner keeps them all at arm's length. As an innocent bystander, Moe couldn't have cared less... until one of his outbursts led to her injury! Now revenge is a matter of pride. But when she exacts it, there's an unexpected result...? (No, really, you'll never guess if you don't read it!) 3) Like in Cinderella: When Chiyo lost her job and had to take on work picking weeds for the rich, she never expected to become like Cinderella. But when Yoshimune, the handsome young master of the Tokugawa Financial Empire, runs away from his 'castle' with her, that's what Chiyo is certain will happen. But there's no guarantee that these two will live happily ever after, because this fairy tale isn't Cinderella's -- it's Chiyo's! 4) Don't Get Me into It: None of Ichirou's home tutors ever come back after the first tutoring session, but Takigawa Megu can't imagine why -- he's so cute! And... tied down in his chair!? It turns out that Ichirou is a complete and utter brat! Megu makes it her mission to prove herself superior to him, and Ichirou is actually impressed? Now, every time he gives her an inch, he gets her a little more into it. Before long, Megu feels like tutoring Ichirou... in the ways of LOVE!

Mayple-San No Koucha Jikan

From MangaHelpers: The story opens several years after a devastating war, where incredibly strong 'mechanical dolls' slaughtered many, many people. These robot weapons, which look exactly like humans, are still feared and hated. During a storm, Craw finds one of these 'dolls.' She is nothing like the weapon he would expect, but is instead gentle, cheerful, and very eager to be of use to the people around her. She claims her name is Mayple, and she seems to be programmed as a maid and cook. Soon, Craw has set up a cafe for Mayple to run, where she can cook sweets and tea for everyone in town. It's going to be a rough road ahead of her, as many townspeople hate her on principle and will not shrink from violence against her. But maybe Mayple, who always keeps a sunny attitude, will be able to find a way through the prejudice and make a place for herself in the post-war world. [tethysdust]

An Examination into and an Elucidation of the Great Principle of the Mediation

An Examination into and an Elucidation of the Great Principle of the Mediation summary: An Examination into and an Elucidation of the Great Principle of the Mediation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Examination into and an Elucidation of the Great Principle of the Mediation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Golden Time

Golden Time summary: Tada Banri, a newly admitted student at a private law school in Tokyo, found himself completely lost after the opening ceremony, trying to find his way to the freshman orientation. At that moment, he ran into another lost freshman from the same school, Yanagisawa Mitsuo, and they hit it off at once.
Somehow arriving at their intended goal just on time, there appeared in front of the two a beautiful girl holding a bouquet of roses. The girl then whacked Mitsuo across the face with the bouquet and handed the flowers over to him. “Freshman, congratulations”, was all she said, and then she left.
The stylish, well dressed, perfect woman that had swung at Mitsuo was his childhood friend, Kaga Kouko. As children they had promised to marry each other one day, fulfilling their dreams. In order to escape from her, Mitsuo had gone out secretly and taken the examination for this well known private college, but now she showed up in the freshman orientation hall. She too had taken the law school entrance examination, catching up with him there.

The Bounty Hunter Wars_ The Mandalorian Armor

The Bounty Hunter Wars_ The Mandalorian Armor summary: The Bounty Hunter Wars_ The Mandalorian Armor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bounty Hunter Wars_ The Mandalorian Armor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy

The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy summary: The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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