














简介传说中开拓明治新时代的维新义士中,最强、杀人无数的 刽子手拔刀斋,决心不再杀人,以逆刃刀行走江湖──他的名字叫绯村剑心。。。。另外说明,浪客剑心漫画28本全套已经包括动画的星霜篇和追忆篇内容,没有单独的星霜篇和追忆篇漫画。


















内容简介:五大动漫世界的主角身边,接连出现了另一个“自己”,而且还是女版的…当《银魂》主角坂田银时跑到《名侦探柯南》…当《海贼王》主角蒙奇·D·路飞跑到《火影忍者》…当《火影忍者》主角漩涡鸣人跑 到《海贼王》…当《名侦探柯南》主角工藤新一跑到《银魂》…一个月过去后,各个世界变得不忍直视(捂脸)“冲啊!我们大家一起去司法岛,一定要把罗宾给救回来的吧呦!”“橡胶橡胶机关枪!把我的伙伴还回来,你这个骨头男!各位书友要是觉得《综漫主角的崩坏日常》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-109338 >>


内容简介:江宁穿越玄幻世界,成为了太一门的当代掌教。山门残破,传承断绝,弟子不过两人,眼看便要彻底没落。幸好……江宁觉醒了掌教签到系统。每日签到,便可获得天资,机缘,至宝,修行资源,宗门建筑,玄 奇秘境……等等相关之物!开局签到气运金龙,融入宗门驻地,自此气运大增,一路高歌猛进。从今日起,每天签到,励精图治,发展宗门!……浩瀚世界内,有宗门,有皇朝,有圣地,有隐秘势力,有长生世家,更有大帝传承!江宁负手而立,1w0-60093 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:nba:开局满级传球,教练慌了】重回06年,陈凡成为杜兰特的队友,决心再次逐梦篮球!那一年,易建联宣布参加07年选秀,举国沸腾!而大洋彼岸的ncaa,一个黄皮 肤面孔,孤身作战,无人问津,站着如喽啰!那一年,威少在打替补,库日天被北卡拒绝,哈登还不知道黄金俱乐部小球时代未开启,nba还是雄争霸,逐鹿总冠军!而狭小的宿舍中,黄皮肤的面孔教会了‘死神’吃干脆面,两人看着电视憧憬着未来那一年,竟然再次看到了‘老大’!打个单挑吧,输了的,这辈子不准坐直升机一切,都从满级传球开始!血压上来的教练:“卧槽,那没人,你传给谁好球!!!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78498 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我家老婆是二代僵尸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读韩枫误入了一个聊天群。一进群就人给他送老婆,号称什么尸仙独女,嫁妆丰厚,编造的像模像样。面对这种中二言论,有点好奇的他,答应下来。 他想要看看这个家伙怎么编造后面的情节。等到第二天,一个女生突然出现在家时,韩枫才发现……群里说的都是真的!他有了一个老婆!一个二代僵尸老婆!下载地址加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-78282 >>




内容简介:这就是一个发生在东瀛,小人物慢慢成长为大物的故事。本书关键词:都市生活《东瀛大物》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、茅山关门弟子、混沌效应:撕裂末日、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成 为发丘天官、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、神级插班生、星际之亡灵帝国、忍界神话:最强砂隐、都市娱乐之全能大明星、我!无双战将、三国帝皇之万界征战、小娇妻,你被捕了!、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、女总裁的贴身战兵、午夜女主播、跨物种相亲、火影:从瞬间满级开始、僵尸世界:武侠纵横、居山海、武侠我在六扇门当差、望族嫡女、我!神级元素师、我在武侠世界捡属性、夺舍了通天教主1w0-83488 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《重生之美利坚土豪》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读含着金汤匙出身的二逼土豪,短短几十年时间就败光了家产。就在他走向死亡的瞬间,突然遭遇空间乱流,这个意外的变故。直接让他回到了从前。1 w0-60039 >>


内容简介:家道中落即将面临巨债,俞景林不得不忍痛变卖宝贝宠蛇。买家冷酷帅气还是个识蛇大神,俞景林心里那个乐,赶紧勾搭勾搭,却发现大神其实是条修炼成精的大蛇。俞景林心头一万头草泥马奔过,他是喜欢蛇 ,可他没有被蛇上的喜好,溜了溜了溜了。可大蛇不乐意了,还认定自己就是他的雌性。俞景林欲哭无泪:求放过,我对蛇没有性趣。墨殇严肃着脸:胡说,你明明很喜欢。微博:柿原纯群号:259192578扫雷区导演灵蛇攻vs三流明星受主受1v1,生子,he,甜度背景架空,请勿考究晋江独家发表,谢绝扒榜转载完结就开这本→《救过的那条蛇要以身相许怎么办》文案楼主是兽医,曾经救过一条受伤的大蛇,现在大蛇要报恩怎么办?关键这条蛇是公的,公的,公的!温润兽医受vs返祖灵蛇攻基友的文文→《丑小鸡》by娜小在《养了一只怂包丧尸皇》by鱼鱼鱼仔酱《我的老公是只鬼》by一叶菩提《卸妆后,老婆变成了男人》by笑蓝《重生一日为夫》by楼东白作者的预收文→《不婚》《小哑巴的婚后生活》《我怀了竹马的孩子》1w0-76400 >>




内容简介:《这只龙崽又在碰瓷》为作者采采来了创作,作品这只龙崽又在碰瓷章章动人,为你第一时间提供采采来了精心编写原创这只龙崽又在碰瓷及无弹窗这只龙崽又在碰瓷最新章节,这只龙崽又在碰瓷全文免费阅读 。各位书友要是觉得《这只龙崽又在碰瓷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68299 >>



Kimi To Kemono Na Yume O Miru

From Midnight Scans: A girl is raising a beast in her hearth?! A beast-like girl x diligent guy! The aim of the game is to escape completely! At first glance, Izumida Riko looks like a neat girl, and she’s known as the 'Credit Union's Madonna'. However, she's the repulsive beast girl who heads a robbery group. Aiming at Riko is a guy whom she met during her morning run. Is their meeting really by chance, or because of 'duty'?! Also included here are: Kimi no Kawaii Doku Ouji (Your Cute Poison Prince) / Musesouna Aporo (Inconstant Apollo) / Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru (Watching the Beastly Dream with You) / Motto Ranbou ni Aishite mo, Ii yo (It's Okay to be More Violent in Love) / Migite no Bonno Atashi no Kodou (Right Hand's Lust, My Palpitation) ----- #1: Watashi no Kawaii Doku Ouji/ My Cute Poison Prince Every year the two rivaling companies Ryuuou Comercial Affairs and Royal Tiger Products host a golf competition to see who is best. And every year Ayaka Suzuki, business director of Ryuuou, takes this opportunity to catch herself a new lover. Since all the men Ayaka tried before turned out to be insufficient for her passionate love, she is doubly happy to spot Yuuri Yamada, a new face among the Royal Tiger employees, and she doesn’t hesitate to seduce him… but could it be that Yuuri himself follows some hidden agenda by joining this golf competition?!?! … #2: Musessou na Apollo/ Inconsistent Apollo Unable to forget her past memories Mizuki thinks sex is nothing but a boring and painful thing she never wants to experience again. But when Mizuki surprises her classmate and well known womanizer Ruka Hirasawa making out with another girl in their college’s painting classroom, her thoughts change slowly. Seeing this passionate scene Mizuki can’t help but wonder how it would be to be embraced by Ruka… but what’s that? Ruka himself suddenly approaches Mizuki wanting to make this fantasy a reality!!?!? #3: Kimi to Kemono na Yume Wo Miiu/ Watching the Beastly Dream with You Beautiful, hardworking and overall stunning Riko Izumida doesn’t get called “Madonna of the credit union” for nothing. But behind that mask of a well-mannered bank employee Riko is not as tame as you may think, especially when it comes to catching herself the perfect guy. So when the one guy she’s been eyeing for some time now just so happens to rob her bank, Riko doesn’t hesitate to chase after him… and things start to take unexpected turns. #4: Motto Ranbou ni Aishitemo, ii yo/ I Don’t Mind If You Love Me Roughly In order to attract guys, Hinako always follows her mother’s words, and so far Hinako always got what she wanted by playing the hard-to-get. But then suddenly a rival appears at her college who immediately catches the attention of all the boys, including Katsuragi, Hinako’s secret crush. Devastated by the instant defeat Hinako turns to Shuu, who claims he would help her to get back Katsuraki’s attention, if she only does whatever he tells her to… but does Shuu really intent to help her, Hinako can’t be sure… #5: Migite no Bonnou, Atashi no Kodou/ The Right Hand’s Passion, My Palpitation Hiyama Touko, like any other high school girl has a secret crush but being the shy girl she is, Touko can’t do anything but watch the cool Kuga-kun from afar. So when her friend Natsumi catches Touko, once again staring at Kuga-kun after he helped her out in class, she decides to give Touko some courage through hypnosis. At first Touko doesn’t believe it would work, but then she suddenly loses control over her right hand and now Touko can’t stop groping poor Kuga-kun…. What the heck is going on?? And how will Touko manage to get back to normal again?!?!?

Gakkou No Ojikan

From Temptatious Taboo: Normal high school student Riku comes back home one day to find... she is now the school chairman of a famous elite school?! It seems her grandfather left her the post after his death and, although Riku is not really enthusiastic about the idea, there happen to be two really interesting guys that attend that same school who helps her a lot in the school. But sometimes she helps them... Also contains a side story called Kimi no Te to Hitomi to (Your Hands, Your Eyes) in volume 5.

The "act Yandere Without Saying A Word" Game

A bunch of girls try their best to give off a 'yandere' vibe silently while their classmates rate their performance.

The Demon King’S Confession

The curse' left by the demon king a thousand years ago turns people into magicians. Lapis dreams of becoming a paladin while hiding her identity as a magician. One day, she accidentally summoned the demon king Kara'!The demon king will remove the curse if she helps him, but Wait, this Demon King's confession is unusual?!Chasing the stars, Lapis approaches the truth of a thousand years ago.

Hon Issatsu de Kototariru Isekai Rurō Monogatari

Hon Issatsu de Kototariru Isekai Rurō Monogatari summary: An unfortunate high school student who died from an accident, Misasagi Ryou (陵陵). With G.o.d’s whim, what he got from reincarnating to a different world, was one old book――taking in all kinds of books, it was the 「Unlimited Summoning Book」 that is said to be able to materialize all creations. Legendary Brave Equipments, Sub-Machine Guns, Artificial Humans……using weapons that are taken out from the book, the young man tramples the different world!! The different world Battle Fantasy of a young man that loves books!

Frank Roscoe's Secret

Frank Roscoe's Secret summary: Frank Roscoe's Secret summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Frank Roscoe's Secret. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA

The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA summary: The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sophie's World_ A Novel About The History Of Philosophy

Sophie's World_ A Novel About The History Of Philosophy summary: Sophie's World_ A Novel About The History Of Philosophy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sophie's World_ A Novel About The History Of Philosophy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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