


简介恶灵猎人漫画 ,讲述了谷山麻衣是个能在睡梦中预言或感应许多难以理解的事情的少女,在SPR(英国心灵现象调查协会)里做兼职时,与年轻英俊的研究所长和其他伙伴一起调查的故事。而SPR最特别的地方,就是不仅用超能力来解决事情,同时也从科学的角度去探讨挖掘。
































内容简介:”罢了罢了,不读书了这书看不出仙凡之距,读不懂生民之苦。这笔也写不了众生平等,画不出万世太平。我要勘破虚浮,我要仙女姐姐的衣裙再也遮不住我的眼!“书生苏墨弃文从仙,遇到了一个女人后发现 自己修的居然不是仙道。他与众多仙修皆不同,他能与幽冥通!1w0-76158 >>


内容简介:鱼骨头的专栏,收藏一下吧【文案】上官第五穿越了,穿成了前两天才弃坑的一本终点种马小说《仙魔劫》里男扮女装并把男主虐得死去活来的反派官梧,不仅如此,他还得到了一个非常猥琐的系统。绝世伪娘 养成系统是什么鬼啊摔!官梧一直觉得这个角色已经是书里最大的反派了(都男扮女装欺骗男主感情了还不是终极反派?),结果没想到这本书里的主角和终极那个曾经对他温言细语柔情似水的家伙一下子变成了占有欲爆棚的黑化痴汉是什么鬼啊!官梧尔康手——男主你造不造你崩了啊!外表温文儒雅内心黑化男主攻不是)主受,受脑子有坑,攻宠受,甜甜甜入周五(V,届时万更粗长,希望妹子们多多支持,不要抛弃鱼骨头哇文存稿求收藏3!【文案】纪桡四岁出道,十五岁爆红,二十五岁成为了国内最年轻的影帝。什么都好,只有一个缺点——认不得人。被最亲近的人害死后,纪桡回到了十九岁,那个他火得如日中天的时期,准备重新开始。然后因为脸盲倒了大霉。莫名其妙被睡了,被缠上,被告白,那个男人还自称是他的脑残粉?……嗯,的确挺脑残的。富二代歌手痴汉忠犬攻甜白,宠宠宠,苏苏苏,爽爽爽传送门:古代架空:绝世系统五部曲:架空现代:男主你崩了是原作者青色的鱼精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新男主你崩了最新章节,书友所发表的男主你崩了评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持男主你崩了书友的观点。您要是觉得《男主你崩了》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-108773 >>


内容简介:曲小白尝尽了人间冷暖,父亲死了,弟弟腿断了,家散了,而自己也被所谓的亲人折磨的饱经沧桑醒来却回到了十二岁,父亲未死,弟弟还好好的!这一世,曲小白发誓,定要护家人安全,好日子也要过起来。 某男:媳妇儿,全都听你的!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生泼辣俏娇媳》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71271 >>


内容简介:阮寒星死后才知道,她所在的世界,只是一本以她同父异母的妹妹阮未思为主角的甜宠文。而她,不过是着色寥寥几句的普通炮灰,死得无声无息。重生回19岁,对父爱的渴求全都散去,曾经争强好胜的她彻 底佛系了。替嫁?给钱就没问题。丈夫是残疾有心理问题?当个豪门咸鱼阔太它不香吗?这一辈子,她不想再去谋夺不属于自己的东西,只想安安稳稳守着自己的家人朋友好好过日子。说好早死的男人勾起唇角:没关系,欺负我老婆的,1w18229-58694 >>


内容简介:穿越成为大周王朝七皇子,结果醒来后至尊骨被夺,沦为废人,被贬幽州,却觉醒签到系统。苏芒抱着不苟到无敌不出世的念头,在幽州城内开启了他的签到生涯。“宿主今日签到成功,获得葵花宝典。”“宿 主今日签到成功,获得九龙镇天经。”“宿主今日签到成功,获得千年蟠桃。”五年后,当重兵压境,宗师袭来,要一举击垮幽州,直取帝都之时,几十万大军前,一道身影缥缈而现,举手间天崩地裂1w0-34987 >>


内容简介:龙生龙,凤生凤,疯王的女儿是孽种?作为人人喊打的疯王暴君之女,她不服!左手鬼谷奇术,右手奸谋诡智,玩转魔术,揭露观山、断水、分金、勘木、摘月、化人等秘术,解开百年惊世秘局。只是,半路杀 出个多智近妖、冷血无情第一、桃花风流榜榜首的枭王,寒冬赠她招摇山半山梨花。他挑眉:“你奸我枭,都不是什么好人,我不介意。”“你虐我的心,我虐你的身,公平。”各位书友要是觉得《王爷又黑化了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74354 >>


内容简介:顾玖身娇体弱,是个搬块砖头都会喘的娇姑娘,偏偏有副大小姐的暴脾气。有一天,她被强按着头去逃生世界里做任务,任务千奇百怪,各种惊险求生,一群玩家被恐怖世界里的BOSS虐成小可怜,重则失去 性命。大小姐是受得了威胁的人吗?不仅粗暴地毁掉世界线,连同BOSS也被她虐成小可怜,顺手捞了个小可怜给自己当跟班。后来,顾玖交了个男朋友,男朋友是女装大佬,容易害羞,乖巧可爱又贴心,简直不能更符合她的心意。事情的真相却是,男朋友其实是逃生世界里最后的神裔——堕落之主,一个缺爱的神经病,不爱他就会毁灭世界的那种。别人毁灭世界只会毁灭一个,而他毁灭世界可是会拖着整个逃生世界毁灭,包括千千万万的小世界。因为这种可怕的破坏力,诸天万界所有的半神都盼着他们永远不要分手。1w0-1234 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:超神狙击手】怀揣军人梦想的齐麟,葬身病魔之手,来到了特种兵的世界,带来了一个不强不弱的超神基因,神河狙击手。伞兵:“狙击手不需要跑这么快!我当狙击手就 是为了看着你们跑,哎,你等等我!”何晨光“他是我见过最好的狙击手。”猎空:“狙击枪可以打直升机我理解,战斗机你怎么打?”飞行员:“楼上的,你礼貌嘛!”冷锋:“五杀,超神!”齐麟:“我不想超神,只想圆梦!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-73560 >>


内容简介:“跪拜吧!他此时此刻成为了假面骑士无上帝王!”黑沃兹手中是一本暗金色的外观,看上去十分古朴的书,书上写着六个大字:《无上帝王之路》庄吾转身看向了下面,所有的骑士皆是单膝下跪,1w0-3 0250 >>


内容简介:小说里都是重生修仙,凡人修仙……怎么到我这儿,就成了自家猫才会修仙?当伍仁莫名其妙接了神仙的锅,获得一个“养猫系统”时,他原本平静又咸鱼的生活,便立刻被打破了。画风奇特的猫咪,老不正经 的神仙……不知不觉间伍仁突然发现,自己的家变成了个非正常生物的聚集地!轻松搞笑的撸猫生活开始了……特别注意:这是一本恶搞气息浓重(瞎写)的宠物种田文。丨丨书友群:724542282丨丨各位书友要是觉得《我家的猫会修仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97830 >>


内容简介:预收《悄悄揣个崽》求收藏正文已完结,可宰韩国公府陆凝,位高权重,俊美无俦,京城不知多少贵女芳心暗许。只有沈娇知道,上辈子他冷血无情,野心勃勃,她替姐姐嫁于他,不足两年他便谋反,连累她凄 惨而死。沈娇不知道的是,她死后他也彻底疯了,甚至用几十年寿命换了她的重生。重生归来,沈娇只想离他远远的,求一世安宁。半夜,忽地惊醒,他却站在她的床前。男人修长如玉的手,拂过她的眉眼,落在她唇上,眼底是让人难懂的晦涩,“沈娇,你只能是我的。”天堂也好地狱也罢,他在哪儿她就得在哪儿。沈娇止不住的轻颤。再次成亲后,她始终战战兢兢,一日不小心摔了他最宝贝的一块玉,沈娇吓得脸都白了,终日紧绷的情绪也有些崩,她试探着又摔了一块。她等着他兴师问罪,谁料男人只是扫一眼地上的狼藉,便将人抱到了床上,“伤着没?”沈娇紧绷着小脸,严肃道“我故意的!”只盼他一怒之下,送她一纸休书。丫鬟小厮都觉得她要完。然而男人眼皮都没掀一下,“娇娇若喜欢摔,我明日让人将库房的玉器全搬出来。”沈娇有些懵,直到晕乎乎当上皇后,她才明白,这人惦记她不是一天两天了。——推荐一下自己的预收文:古言:《悄悄揣了个崽》by墨子哲太子裴行面若谪仙、才情斐然,却偏偏冷淡疏离,对女人避若蛇蝎,纵使如此,依然有不少贵女削尖了脑袋,想当他的侧妃。他成亲三载,膝下却始终无子,直到太子妃愤怒之下,回府不归,太子有隐疾一事,才忽地传遍整个朝野。请奏废黜太子的奏折一日多过一日。见太子如此处境,陆晓晓满心担忧。奈何她不过陆府一个小小庶女,就算有心帮他,也无能为力,唯有去寺庙烧香时,祈求菩萨保佑他尽快圆房。谁料,她竟梦到自己与太子……早上醒来,陆晓晓只觉罪过。上香时,她改而祈求太子尽快有个子嗣。回府后,她的肚子竟一日日大了起来。陆晓晓有些惊恐,赐婚的圣旨,却突然降临陆府。见皇上不仅没有废黜太子,还荒唐地将一个庶女许给太子为正妃,众位大臣不由抽了抽眼角。贵女们也都等着看陆晓晓的笑话,太子连她们都瞧不上,又岂会看上身份这么低贱的玩意?直到宫宴上,她们瞧见,一向冷淡矜贵的太子,竟亲自抱着她离席,他眉眼冷淡,落在她眼睛上的吻却那样轻柔。这个太子一定是假的——古言:《思慕》by墨子哲豆豆无依无靠,可怜巴巴长到十二岁时,在河边捡了个男人,他衣衫褴褛,满身鲜血,却难掩周身的气质。豆豆偷偷将他藏了起来,哪怕自个都填不饱肚子,却足足养了他三个月,他走时,将豆豆带到了京城。豆豆这才知道,他竟是鼎鼎大名的摄政王,而她则从个小村姑,一跃成了他护着的宝。及笄前,提亲的人踏破了门槛,豆豆拒了一个又一个。摄政王眉峰微挑,“真没有相中的?不论相中了谁,我都能将人绑到你跟前 >>

Mahou Tsukai No Namida

Collection of oneshots: 1) Mahou Tsukai no Namida Yoichi dies nearly every day... but every time he wake up just with a dream of his death. And why his beloved Shiraku-san appeared in these dreams? 2) Mahou Tsukai no Shippai Yoichi is now living with Shiraku-san, but his air-headed behavior is still causing problems. 3) Koi to Obake no Sodatekata Yorito's parents and their familiar Rurimaru died ten years ago, fighting against evil majinas; and his older brother was injured. Now it is Yorito's task to protect the village against the majinas together with his familiar Himaru. But he is still only 18 years old and Himaru is still weak. He wants desperately to grow strong and be able to protect his older brother. But it seems his older brother is keeping something from Yorito. 4) Muchi to Obake no Shitsuke Kata Continuation of the story about Yorito and family familiars. 5) Secret News Two talked-about newcomers to the General Affairs section are assigned to a sour-faced boss. While working day and night to protect goodwill within the company, they get their hands on some outrageous information! 6) Mahou Tsukai no Yoru

Zero No Tsukaima Chevalier

From FoOlRulez: Hiraga Saito was summoned to the wonderful world of Halkeginia through the use of magic. He was summoned by the very cute, yet with 'Zero' magical ability, Louise. Although it was an accident, Saito was summoned during the summoning ceremony, and sealed the agreement to become Louise's 'Familiar' through a kiss. That is how he arrived in this world. While on the way to visit the Princess of Tristain for her upcoming marriage to the King of Germania, war broke out. Because of the upcoming marriage, Conquista joined forces with Albion, declared war and began their invasion of Tristain. While drowning in despair over the disparity in military strength, Louise, by chance, got on board the Zero Fighter piloted by Saito. Her ability to use the legendary magic lineage 'Void' awoke and she single-handedly ensured the triumph of Tristain over the army of Albion. And so we continue on from there to their next scene of battle. From Abeash: After being accidentally summoned to the magnificent world of Halkegenia, Higara Saito begins his new life as a 'familiar' for a super cute yet rude and bossy aristocrat witch Louise or also know by her fellow members as 'Louise the Zero'. After being a loyal magic user for the Princess of Tristain, Louise embarks on a new journey that's full of fun, romance and mischief. Will she be able to complete her quest or will she give up?

Sentirental Shoujo

High-school girl Hana Hanasaki hits whoever is near her once she hears something sexual (she’s only successful one-third of the time)! Then there’s an extremely stingy, money-loving high school boy, Ikki Rokkaku! Their story begins in a residential area where Hanasaki-san is wedged inbetween two (moveable) walls of a narrow path. Rokkaku-kun finds her and helps her get free! The story develops at the DVD shop, “LATNER,” where the two work. Lots of gags abound at the part-time job that’s a wee perverted and super silly! It’s okay to jump in at any point in the series! Oh, and there’s love! © MangaBox

Renai Tripper

From Fate: Niina went back to the past and landed in 'Hakkenden's (eight dog warriors) world. There, she met Satomi clan's young master, Satomi Takemasa. According to him, Reina's the reincarnate of one of the Hakkenshi. In order to beat their worst enemy, Tamazusa, they need Niina's power? Contains: Renai Tripper Love Follows The Adventure of China!

The Born Queen

The Born Queen summary: The Born Queen summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Born Queen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi summary: Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is a very interesting and exciting novel written by Afuro As.h.i.tsubo. It is presently published as an online book on a website called NovelOnlineFull. Potential readers can find the story there as well as other important related details. For example, you can check the satisfaction of previous readers by observing the novel's rating on the platform. It is based on the votes of others and can be good or bad depending on the story's quality.
Fortunately, you should not encounter any issues regarding this matter because the book is very well rated thanks to the interesting content. Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is, in fact, a combination of several different genres such as Action, Adventure, and Romance among others. The mixture gives an exciting novel, so you can enjoy reading this content.
The story presents a life if a young gladiator and fighter who forget almost everything about his past life. He remembers only two things. The gladiator is aware of his great strength, and he remembers his name. It is, in fact, quite enough to start a new exciting mission in this battle. He normally fights in an arena against other similar gladiators, however, he is quite aware that he can do much more, and that this slave life does not provide a sufficient amount of satisfaction. That's why he starts planning an escape from slavery and begins with the implementation of the plan.
He kills the arena's boss, so there is nothing to stop him to come out from the gladiator's world. So he just simply escapes the prison and becomes a totally free individual. In the run, he meets the group of mercenaries and decides to join the company. The gladiator is very good at fighting and is capable and trained to kill. That's why he gets a great reputation within the group almost instantly. 
At one of their missions, they meet a female vampire named Lucy who possesses great strength. She is capable to kill a group of humans in seconds, and they have no chance to defend themselves appropriately. The gladiator fast becomes a friend with Lucy, and the strength is their mutual personal characteristics that both of them posses. Lucy even invited the gladiator to come to her house, and he accepted the offer. 
Later, they start making different plans about the improvement of their lives. The gladiator begins a mission to acquire a big land and become a king. If he succeeds, Lucy will accept his offer to become his lady, and that's how a new exciting adventure starts again within the content of Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story.
The books are, however, still in the ongoing phase which means new chapters are about to come, but the end is not near yet. You can, of course, start following Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story by reading the novel, so the new chapters will arrive when you finish the old ones. There are over three hundred of those so far, so the book is not short, and you still have plenty of the content to read while waiting for the continuation.

One Foot In Eden

One Foot In Eden summary: One Foot In Eden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Foot In Eden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Blood of the Conquerors

The Blood of the Conquerors summary: The Blood of the Conquerors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blood of the Conquerors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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