


















类别都市 恋爱














内容简介:【《男朋友变成鬼之后》《奶一口漂亮崽崽》求收藏~】李娇是王室最受宠的公主,性子却不见娇纵,反倒是温柔敦方,一张面容更是生的娇花美月般,朝中上上下下无一不称赞她就算对着北燕蛮荒之地来的那 位每日脏兮兮臭烘烘的质子,她也会弯下腰亲自替他拂去衣上的灰尘所有人都以为她是真的善良,那位质子也是这样的认为可直到某一天他亲眼瞧见李娇将那根碰过自己的手指反复的搓洗,厌恶之情几乎灼伤他的眼他贴身收藏的宝贝赠予她,却被她反手丢到一旁,面上哪还有半分温柔——“凭他,也配?”他咬牙切齿,恨得五脏六腑俱疼终于一天,他要让她知道他到底配是不配?※高大威猛且忠犬痴情的北燕王×外表端庄实际不怎么正常的王室女※甜文,真的是甜文※男主暗恋女主,一直暗恋那种······下本开············《男朋友变成鬼之后》“这世上,没有任何东西能阻止我爱她,死也不能”※男主从小暗恋女主,成了鬼也不能停止爱她的心※男主病娇忠犬属性,甜文甜文甜文······古言预收············奶一口漂亮崽崽》漆黑的雨夜,雷声大阵清辞在屋外捡到了个病殃殃的小少年小少年的身上只穿着勉强弊体的衣物,小小的身子缩成一团,抬起的眼里含着泪光,啪嗒一下那泪珠子就落在了地上一声惊雷他忽然伸手扯住她的衣角“姐姐,你可怜可怜我吧后来清辞才知晓,这小少年是流落在外的皇子※外表小奶狗×一直很温柔※养成1w0-27256 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:军旅:从钢七连开始】穿越到士兵突击等军旅影视融合的世界,李然成为一名光荣的野战军。那一年,正值军改,半机械化向机械化转型。绑定最强指挥官系统,担当大国复兴之重 任,势必要打造出一只最为先进专业化的蓝军部队。于是震撼!李然率领的蓝军部队一个月内连续击败十个老牌劲旅。震撼!李然率领的蓝军部队打服了三个集团军。抗议!李然的战术套路实在太脏,为求胜利,不择手段。99a主战坦克、j20战机、最强单兵作战套装李然:“每一只兔子都有一个大国梦,我的任务就是实现它。”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢军旅:从钢七连开始,别忘记分享给朋友军旅:从钢七连开始TXT下载1w0-128435 >>


内容简介:“小鬼,不好意思,你挂了!”“不是吧,牛头马面长这么帅?”“呸,老爷我是陆元君,牛头马面哪比得上。”“你是陆元君?,我还朱尔旦呢!”····················好吧,主角也 穿越了,只是···“有没搞错,海贼王?我是···火拳艾斯?”经久不衰的话题,永不停歇的热血,看主角活出一个新的海贼王传说。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生海贼之火拳降世》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67076 >>


内容简介:  天才还是弱智?当一个仅有69点智商的轻度智力障碍少年踏上绿茵场,他将会刮起怎样的风暴?出走于拉玛西亚,崛起于英伦半岛。易乐走向属于自己的中场大师之路!1w0-124




内容简介:入赘三年,活的不如狗,全家视他为废物!意外得到玉佩传承,习得上古神针,蜕变为武道高手,从此一崛而起!各方大佬齐齐叩拜,各大美女抢着给他做丫鬟。老婆温柔似水:老公,我帮你捏捏肩……1w1 7255-25591 >>


内容简介:一朝穿成废物皇子,李准绣口一吐便是半个诗歌盛世,抬手就千古文章,转眸翻云覆雨!史学家:天下文人加起来不足他半分才气!皇帝:他竟是皇朝的未来!将军:他若肯为将,这天下便是我朝江山!商人: 任何行业,1w17233-28731 >>


内容简介:末日降临,一场突如其来的灾难,将世界带入了一个全新的纪元。璀璨夺目的奇特异能,古老神秘的返祖现象,令人惊悚的血海虫潮。这里有无数的机缘和可能,却也同样充斥着太多的杀戮与死亡。不想像蝼蚁 一般被踩在脚下苦苦挣扎,就得有一颗适应在这里生存的残酷内心。重生归来,杨烁回到了最初的起点;前一世,他遭遇了太多的后悔与遗憾,这一世,他发誓要阻止一切的发生。八臂魔猿、裂空丧狮、千面鬼蛛、怨灵玩偶、圣甲虫、梦魇兽、铁甲尸魁;杨烁坐落在山崖之巅,看着这些往日令人感到惊悚的凶兽异虫被自己一一召唤而出,眼神深邃仿若苍穹繁星,嘴角淡淡的扬起一条弧线,自言自语道:“我只想活着,所以,要有人死。各位书友要是觉得《末世之魔灵召唤师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71521 >>


内容简介:入赘三年,所有人都以为可以骑在我头上。 而我,只等她牵起我的手,便可以给她整个世界。 新书期一天两更,上架后三更。 喜欢的多多支持,点个收藏,谢谢各位大佬。 1w1250- 1270 >>


内容简介:【日更10000,已肥可宰嗷】小锦鲤精苏鱼鱼穿书了。系统叔叔跟她说,她刚出生不久就被坏人偷走,是手握炮灰剧本的小可怜女配。系统最后总结道,她今后的日子怕是不好过了。然而穿书当天——苏鱼 鱼的顶流哥哥和首富爸妈就找到了她。系统:“???”脸真疼,虽然并没有脸。综艺《带崽去旅行》播出后,有个崽崽爆红了。捕鱼时——众粉丝心疼的看着此时,弯着腰卷着袖子裤腿,脸上也有了少许泥巴的爱豆,他们费尽千辛万苦也才抓到一条鱼而已。就在这时,有些粉丝眼尖的看见,有鱼从河里跳进一个粉雕玉琢的崽崽,怀里抱着的竹篓里,还不止一条鱼!!!众观众:“……”鱼是在集体自杀吗?!表演才艺时——众粉丝看着大展才艺的崽崽们,觉得与有荣焉。就在这时,苏鱼鱼说要哼唱“催眠曲”,还说真的可以治疗失眠,众粉丝觉得这孩子傻了。然而几秒后,重度失眠的影后,听着苏鱼鱼哼唱的歌睡着了。众粉丝还没来得及震惊,就看见原本站着唱歌的苏鱼鱼,也睡着了。众观众:“……”这就是传说中的站着睡觉吗?!猫舍拍摄短视频时——众粉丝率先看见,身旁没有一只猫咪的四个崽崽,崽崽们目光专注的看着不远处。众粉丝顺着崽崽们的视线,看见了蹲在地上,被猫顶流他妹靠沙雕爆红穿书最新章节地址:1w0-83854 >>




内容简介:  “这个闪电利剑臂章,只有敢在阎王头上拉过屎,和死神掰过手腕的兵才有资格佩戴!告诉我!士兵,你有资格佩戴它吗?”庄严大声回答:有!我庄严有这个资格!(此书致敬每一位曾为国家奉献过青春 ,流过血、洒过汗的共和国军人!读者群号: 764555748 )1w0-886 >>

Tonkaradani Monogatari

Story about the history of a valley and the animals that lived there. 6. The Golden Scale One day, a young boy heads out to catch a haul of fish, so that he can afford to get good bread for his mother. While there he finds a golden fish who, in exchange for not killing it, offers him a golden scale which will grant any wish. Choosing delicious bread as his prize, the boy returns home successful. If he could get bread from one scale, what would he get with another? 8. The Devil Invites Himself to the Ball The fox of danube, the head of the revolutionary army has infiltrated the ball and is plotting something. Who is this mysterious exactly? And what is his relationship with Lily?

Daydream Nightmare

From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Meet Kusumi. He views Ichi as his god. He has no interest in real life girls because anime is his life. Meet Ichi. He has a secret that no one knows about, and he fights to hide it from others. He also has a past that seems to be surfacing through his dreams. But what does it mean when a guy promises to protect him by eating the 'bad things'? Join Ichi in his adventure to find out about himself, and what his secret really holds.

Mint De Kiss Me

Yuu Watase's Masterpiece Collection Volume 5 consists of four stories. 1) Mint de Kiss Me - There is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body. 2) Genseika - Chiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home. 3) Furimuke Romance! - The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vender, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air. 4) Hang in there Nakago (Part I) - Involves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.


From BH007: An evil organization seeks the scroll of immortality. Standing in their way is a swordsman with a red sword. A story spanning hundreds of years will come to a conclusion in this action-packed one-shot.

I'm Guilty, My Beauty

I'm Guilty, My Beauty summary: I'm Guilty, My Beauty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I'm Guilty, My Beauty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Children of the New Forest

The Children of the New Forest summary: The Children of the New Forest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children of the New Forest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha summary: Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circ.u.mstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.
She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously s.e.xy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?
'I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere...'
'...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway.'
What is the s.e.xy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?
'This cannot be!' I roared. 'There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna.'
'I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her.'
When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from pa.s.sion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?
***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong s.e.xual Content

A Woman Of No Importance

A Woman Of No Importance summary: A Woman Of No Importance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Woman Of No Importance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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