






简介本来想当个祸国殃民的美貌妖孽,蛊惑皇帝、祸乱朝政,覆灭民不聊生的王朝,却不想危机时刻,皇帝貌似不是个色胚草包,是巧合还是另有阴谋?! 艳姝:皇上快点死翘翘吧!我好回天庭过神仙生活! 皇上:朕要太平盛世,还要你做我的皇后! 每周六更新~不要错过哟~














简介三兄弟妹因外星人的到来而失去了父母,成为孤儿的他们加入“超-人类计划”并接受改造及战斗训练。 在人类和外星人双方僵持的战争前夕,他们将化身为人类的反击武器,为人类而战。














内容简介:通知:更新时间每天早上七点。撩遍三界,无数女修口中的妖艳贱货狐仙姝儿意外绑定女配系统,渣男贱女争相把脸凑上去……姝儿:我就问你们脸疼不疼?渣男:姝儿再打我一次!【总裁的娇纵未婚妻】总裁 :小优她这么单纯,哪像你?嚣张任性,娇纵傲慢。我们分手吧!女主:好啊!好心提醒一句:她肚子里的孩子是你爸爸的。【影帝的网红前女友】影帝:靠脸吃饭的花瓶而已,你还真把自己当盘菜?女主:据说有很多人想要吃我这盘菜。【少城主的废材娇妻】少城主:要不是指腹为婚,你以为我会多看你一眼?女主:赶紧退婚,拳皇的聘礼已经在送来的路上啦。【民国少帅的娇媚妾】少帅:汪家早就败了,看在叔叔的份上给你一个姨娘的名份,你竟然不识抬举。女主:依我看,少帅府也该败了。【知青的傻白甜女友】【校草的软糯小青梅】【世子的农家下堂妇】……排雷:1、苏爽打脸文2、1V1,男主至始至终只有一个最近会开的连载文《超级女神》,求预收!修真界天才少女朴心只差一步便可成神;意外穿越成一个被催眠后扔在垃圾堆里的女孩;无论身处何方,实力才是王道!满分学神,朴心超高智商秒杀全校;天才神医,朴心一手银针起死回生;盛世美颜,朴心仙姿玉貌声名鹊起;当原主身份之谜一点点剥开,朴心冷哼一声:“犯我底线者,为贱必斩!”基友の文《总裁的女装天师》BY春风无邪《奸臣之子》BY花心者《种田之美食大亨》BY凡尘片叶《世叔》BY长沟落月《影后是只小飞猫》BY凡尘片叶1w0-95319 >>


内容简介:森先生在线养宰简介:一岁多点的阿治趴在小桌子上翻看森先生做的相册集,毫不意外相册里多张照片的主人公是他和爱丽丝,他皱皱小眉头,看向森先生:“我们的合照呢?”森先生·笑容凝固:“……”你 从哪里翻出来的啊治酱!我记得我明明把它藏在了……然后,他看到了被他藏在抽屉的最里层的箱子和箱子的锁的尸体被随便扔在了地上。森先生:“……”首领宰完成计划后生无可恋,交代好一切事之后就奔赴死亡。远在东京的森先生收到了这条消息,内心有些后悔:这个孩子,本来可以拥有更好的未来……名为【书】的异能物品诞生了意识,用它可以1w0-131602 >>


内容简介:那一年,他在街边追擒“三只手”,怒目圆睁;那一天,他在狮子楼上俯瞰西门庆,双眸赤红;那一瞬,大批丧尸来袭,他在小巷里扬起斧头,冷眼如电…………PS:娱乐文,无系统。各位书友要是觉得《硬 汉崛起》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31587 >>




内容简介:拥有治愈系异能的顾钰穿到了星际,因为各项评级太过废物,在崇尚武力的军校里位于最底层,被嘲笑是花瓶美人。直到军校的联赛直播上,顾钰将一个血脉暴动,失去理智而化为兽形的军校生安抚了下来。全 星际沸腾了。觉醒S级兽人血脉的人非常稀少,他们是天生的战争机器,却也深受血脉暴动的折磨,一旦压制不住血脉暴动,精神崩溃,失去控制,就会迷失自我,变成暴虐的野兽,再也变不回人形。从觉醒的那一刻,他们就注定了被1w0-88009 >>


内容简介:五年前,为了能让自己配得上她,他不辞而别。五年后,他携一身惊天本领,荣耀而归,只是归来之时,竟发现自己多了一个女儿。各位书友要是觉得《战神杨辰回归都市》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和 微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w4597-4838 >>


内容简介:《我的老婆是魅魔》如果你拥有一个城市的魅魔的时候又会有什么样的感觉?李小天虽然在穿越的过程中变成了一个少年。还穿到了危机重重的深渊魔域之中。不过他依靠自己的智慧慢慢地融入了这个深渊魔域 之中。终于他娶到了魅魔老婆,并且拥有了一个由魅魔统治下的城市。不过一切的故事才刚刚的开始……1w0-69283 >>


内容简介:【不坑,放心入】文案废,将就看。文案:乖戾顽劣,桀骜不驯的陆家小少爷的前女友回国了,还成了他的经纪人。当年无故被甩,陆择野咽不下这口气,高冷男神的逼装得十分到位。但陆择野发现桑烟看他的 眼神却越来越不对劲,撩他、逗他,还对他笑,甚至暗戳戳地给他塞房卡!贵圈都好奇小少爷跟前女友怎么样了,陆择野得意地抿着酒,笑着炫耀,“桑烟想跟我复合,我没搭理她。”桑烟气质高贵冷艳,一身旗袍风情万种,圈内顶尖1w0-90905 >>


内容简介:【反派偏传统升级爽文】穿越玄幻世界,人生18年碌碌无为看下自己的信息。【姓名】:宁拓【命格】:血光之灾、平平无奇【人生剧本】:《废柴逆袭传》小炮灰再看路边的乞丐小女孩。【姓名】:叶清歌 【命格】:女帝转世、天命之女、旺夫【人生剧本】:《天命女帝》主角【近期机缘】:三个月后洗尽铅华,紫气东来三万里,觉醒前世无上神资好在觉醒金手指系统后,我可以看穿他人的人生剧1w88975-92441 >>


内容简介:苏浅生不见人、死不见尸,案发现场只留下半条小臂……他说:苏浅,事到如今怨不得别人,只能怪你坏事做绝、不给自己留后路。她被残忍的弄残右腿、被害入狱,她被强制注射D品,生下一个畸形的胎儿。 一切的一切在罪魁祸首的他的口中都只是一句轻描淡写的‘报应’!雨夜,她坐在轮椅上看着疾驰而来的货车轻笑出声:“沈亦寒,我终于可以不爱你了……”1w0-81107 >>


内容简介:预收《一家穿成败家子》文案在下方。不知经历了多少时间,曲仲终于完成异世穿越任务满级归来,回到了自己的世界。商业大亨,政界精英,学术界大佬,曲仲表示咱们不约,我要回家种田。一望无际的山林 ,院墙斑驳的老房子,和房后永远不会干涸的小溪就是他最想回去的地方。山上有树,田里有粮,溪里有鱼,家里有人!日子平淡而舒适。可……偏偏《满级大佬种田日常》小说推荐:恐怖女王快穿、穿成末世圣母女配、重生民国娇小姐、你和人头都归我电竞、反派亲妈的佛系日常、宠入心扉、夫人,你马甲又掉了!、头号军婚:重生辣媳十八岁、爱妻入骨:独占第一冷少、他从火光中走来、重生年代福妻满满、影后成双娱乐圈、成了霸总的心尖宠、情敌每天都在变美穿书、PUBG世纪网恋、和马赛克相亲相爱那些年快穿、七十年代白富美、被大佬们团宠后我野翻了、全娱乐圈都在等我们离婚、许你万丈光芒好1w0-29287 >>

Kedamono Dakara.

From Nakama: An employee at an excellent firm's real identity is actually as the family's ninja bodyguard. But his master is like a dim-witted princess. The 'princess' always clings to him while he works and tells him 'if you want to you can become my wife.' He takes any chance he can to get close. The ninja always thinks 'I'm not your sex slave!' but everytime he sees the 'princess'' expression he is unable to resist and continues to sleep with him night after night. In order to separate the two of them, the higher ups have begun to quietly take action. Master and servant, this is a modern version of this kind of love story.

The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

When six-year-old Ins laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fianc. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Crcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Ins, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiance gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Crcel is determined to change Ins' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.

Shina Dark

Welcome to the cursed island of Shina Dark. This island is called home by the dark lord Exoda C. Claw AKA Satan. He's as powerful a being as you could ever hope to meet. Feared and hated the world over for the infinite amount of atrocities he's committed. He's.....actually a really nice guy who just wants to chill out around the castle and relax... After a month long nap he awakens to find that the rest of the world has made up another ridiculous rumor and blown it way out of proportion and that has caused his little island to be crowded with a thousand beautiful princesses meant to be his mistresses/sacrifices. Worse yet is that since they have set foot on his island they are all believed to be cursed and are now shunned by their homelands. What’s a couch potato Satan to do with 1000 women who wont leave? Who can say? From Operation Boredom: During an eclipse, demon Lord Exoda. C. Crown was revived. He is supposed to bring chaos and destruction to the world. The world is panicking, and as a sacrifice to the demon lord, they decide to send 1,000 girls to the demonic island, Shina Dark. However, in Shina Dark, all the legends are lies. Exoda does not sleep with 10 girls a night, and keep the others prisoners. He does not lust for girls, he does not want to cause mass destruction - he simply wants to live in peace. So when 1,000 girls suddenly show up in his island and refuse to leave, what will happen to Exoda, who simply wants to be left alone? From Baka-Updates

Anorexia - Shikabane Hanako Wa Kyoshokushou

From AQUA Scans: 'In an accident at the meat factory, the heiress was heavily injured. Guiltily, I agreed to her request, but this very same request have let me enter into a wonderful life...'

Gods' Impact Online

Gods' Impact Online summary: In the future timeline, Humankind had developed things that brought a revolution to the world. But their best invention was fully immersive VR games that became more and more advanced as time pa.s.sed. They could create new worlds— in virtual reality, that was more beautiful and profound than the real world they lived in.
Upon seeing how Humankind started discarding the world created by the G.o.ds and embracing the fake world created by humans, G.o.ds were enraged.
Thus, G.o.ds transported the souls of all the VR game players into the game created by G.o.ds—called G.o.ds' impact, which was unlike any VR game. It was too surreal with daily struggles, quests, systems, monsters, and… more deadly and cruel than the real world.
However, they could use their real-life skills and talents in the game. The money they earned in the game was added to their real-life bank account. As they evolved in the game, their body also changed in real life. Furthermore, the players who died in the game also died in the real world.
How will Zach, who just happened to try out the VR game for the first time, only to be transported into G.o.ds’ impact, survive?
«Everyone’s stats are limited. I will become limitless by cultivating infinite MP!» Zach announced nonchalantly when he realized he might be the strongest player in the game.
Little did the G.o.ds know that they would regret messing with Zach, and his existence alone would become a threat to them.
Author: English is not my native language, but that shouldn’t matter. You will find little to no errors in my book. Also, I won’t ask you to read 40 chapters before deciding to continue reading it; one chapter is enough.

The Moral Instruction of Children

The Moral Instruction of Children summary: The Moral Instruction of Children summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Moral Instruction of Children. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life of John Keats

Life of John Keats summary: Life of John Keats summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life of John Keats. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mark Hurdlestone

Mark Hurdlestone summary: Mark Hurdlestone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mark Hurdlestone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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