
































内容简介:成为你刚写完的书里被所有人恨得牙痒痒的恶毒女配一角怎么办?抱主角大腿?还是当个好人?林悠悠决定不走寻常路,大笔一挥给自己开个外挂……就算穿到书里,她也仍然是书的创作人,只要低头改个设定 ,就能一跃从恶毒女配变成远离剧情、默默无闻的路人甲了!于是,这天深更半夜月黑风高之时,当林悠悠正在全神贯注完善自己的新人设……然后被切开黑的男主和女主逮了个正着。男主:“悠悠,你想离开我?”女主:“把手给我,我带你走。”林悠悠:这不是我的小说发展!!!————注意事项:作者这个人禁不起夸,被哄开心了就会加更,嗯。以下求预收时间!(我啥时候才能写完啊……)作者的预收文一号:《反派每天都在求我原谅》——反派总觉得他们害死了我,但我太强了又死不掉。作者的预收文二号:《重生十次后我学会了抱大腿》——抱大腿是不可能的,这辈子都不可能的11。作者的预收文三号:《我不是你的朱砂痣》——我没骗你感情!作者的预收文四号:《重生了的我为什么要原谅你们》——害过我的人都得下地狱。作者的预收文五号:《今天也要装傻白甜》——这位反派,黑月光了解一下?作者基友的法医古言:《放开那具尸体》by奶酪西瓜——没有一句话简介【。】1w0-55580 >>


内容简介:武侠之中,恶人多多。但真正的恶贯满盈,却只有一个人!恶,要有恶的品味!他,就是所有主角的敌人,所有恶人的神!武侠之恶贯满盈!各位书友要是觉得《武侠之恶贯满盈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25057 >>


内容简介:笔趣阁提供川澜大神最新作品《你可以养我吗》最新章节全文免费阅读,你可以养我吗TXT下载,你可以养我吗全文字更新,你可以养我吗无弹窗!请关注你可以养我吗吧,本站最新最快更新你可以养我吗的 最新章节。1w0-28278 >>


内容简介:预收下本《要命》——【超A超美会导戏的痞小姐X腹黑矜贵演技派大影帝】天盛娱乐公司休息室内,苏允南翻看着手机,唇边宠溺:“我想上个热搜,可以吗?”经纪人:“没问题啊,我们公司怕这点热搜, 想上就上!”苏腹黑禁欲影帝:“那好吧,我想要个恋情热搜。”经纪人:“没问——什么玩意儿!”他家影帝真是想玩死他!实力派影帝苏允南出道至今,基本上不与女性艺人演员传出任何绯闻。正当他家粉丝担心着影帝会不会注孤生时,微博轰然爆炸,排行榜第一:娱乐圈影帝苏允南与当红导演沈莱恋情苏允南V:你看见了吗沈莱V附图是一张男人亲手拍的一张晋城夜景图,漫天的繁星罕见的绕着一团蓝紫色的爱心云几秒后,沈莱转发:看见了,早点回来众人心里咕噜咕噜冒酸气,吃了满满一嘴狗粮——大概从见你第一次后,心里就住下了你,从此任你在其中肆意小剧场:官宣后,有人在微博上公然问沈莱:苏允南要是和别人拍吻戏床1w0-82511 >>


内容简介:这是一个男配翻身做主的故事,这也是个渣女回头是岸金不换,跟她家新上位的男主联手打怪兽的故事。。。。凌子桐,要她要的,不管他有没有,凌家家主总会在第一时间捧到她面前。这么娇宠着长大,凌子 桐美丽,骄傲,也任性。凌家主说,她想要钱,我给;她要男朋友,我让她找;她要我滚,我就远远看着她;她想留我一人在这世上,休想!。。。末世来临,男友用她换了十斤白面粉,被辱之际,凌子桐激发异能,她小心翼翼活着,最终没被丧尸撕掉,却死在实验室。灵魂飘荡中,凌子桐亲眼看着凌家家主寻得她的身体,看着凌家主血刃她的一个个仇人,看着凌家主抱着她闯入丧尸群中。重生回到末世前,凌子桐发誓,这一世,她再不会让爱她的人为她而死,她要携爱人站在金字塔最顶端。利用前世所见,凌子桐多了一个无限空间,添了一项精神力,成为炙手可热的两项异能者,一朝翻身,由一个四肢不勤的米虫彻底长成末世一颗耀眼的新星。跟凌家主收收小弟,建立独立安全区,带领兄弟们过上跟末世前一样吃穿不愁的好日子。只是——前男友悔过?一脚踹开!背叛她的闺蜜还想攀着她?不将你扔进丧尸群中已经是客气了!神马?当局领导者想要跟凌家主联姻?凌子桐掐腰,想跟她抢人者,死!。。。注:本文大开金手指,末世爽文,主流言情,女强男强,一对一,至于宠不宠?妞们且看且辨别。另:收藏本文的妞们人美肤白吃不胖哦!1w0-131699 >>


内容简介:一本好书一个下午。为你分享好书林秋阳一不小心睡了自己的室友,并睡上瘾了,觉得室友各种可爱各种萌,想一睡再睡……把小白兔睡服了,打算一起考上同一所大学,继续睡……结果室友飞了!!!……六 年后再相遇,继续啪,各种无意识秀恩爱,最后快乐的he剧情肉高h1w0-102343 >>


内容简介:简介:每个少年仙君,都有一只专属的仙鹤相伴。但萧恕不大满意他这只。太呆,太胖,吃得多,飞得慢,毫无仙风道骨,饱受同门嘲笑。萧恕无奈:“阿京你多少努力一点,至少不能让我天天迟到。”在雨中 呆立半个时辰的阿京终于回头:嘎?云京万万没想到,自己穿进书里做了一只鸟。鸟就鸟吧,歌喉清脆,羽翼绚烂,挺好。结果往水面一照,差点将嘴里的鱼吓掉:这大脑袋,这宽鸟喙,这沙雕的眼神,这蠢萌的气息……原来她是一只鲸头鹳?鸟头天下第一大的那种?仙气缥缈的修仙界,为什么要存在这样一个格格不入的天然呆啊!云京:谁让我穿的,过来让我用大嘴咬一口。每天光是吃东西和发呆,就已经很辛苦了,费力送仙君上学居然还要被他嫌弃!云京:告辞,不做鸟了!等她修炼有成,她也要狠狠嫌弃仙君一回!萧恕只能紧张地呵护左右,小心哄着:“我没有嫌弃你,我一直都喜欢你,第一眼就喜欢,什么样都喜欢。”——————————预收文《豪门圣母她不当了》姜妤穿成了书中那个人见人厌的圣母蠢女配。闺蜜故意掉包两人孩子,原主当无事发生继续一起开心玩耍;找回孩子后不尽心呵护,原主反倒偏爱养子,还自以为一碗水端平;日常扶妹成瘾,原主恨不得倾尽老公钱财,对妹妹进行爱的供养。最后终于落得个被闺蜜利用、被妹妹逼宫、被亲子记恨、被老公离婚的悲惨下场。姜妤:啧,手握人生赢家剧本都能输!我来就我来!撕走恶毒闺蜜,隔绝黑心妹妹,积极对冷淡儿子弥补母爱,努力刷回愤怒老公的好感。更四处投资,从豪门菟丝花变成娱乐圈的投资圣手。姜妤:呵呵,轻松。1w0-115879 >>


内容简介:楚风:我攻城掠地不是我贪婪爱财,而是我想晋级啊!稣子:让开让开,这座城是我家宿主的,谁也别想碰,天王老子也不行。天王老子:??,有我啥事?宿命系统,麻烦加身,上天无路,下地无门。系统考 核层出不穷,千万名宿主逐鹿,既分胜负,也决生死!《异想天开系统》小说推荐:我当皇帝那些年、我在墙上挖个洞、爱你是我难言的痛、都市之狂龙战神萧青帝、隐婚100分:惹火娇妻嫁一送一、我怎么这么有钱陈歌、回档纯真年代、秦子泽苏雅晴、画堂春深、许意暖顾寒州、洛尘重生之都市修仙、仙武帝尊、她的小梨涡、魅王宠妻:鬼医纨绔妃、陈铁林清音、战神狂婿沈七夜、向晚贺寒川、废婿崛起韩三千、元卿凌楚王、恰如情深似暖阳1w0-71616 >>




内容简介:  猎取的不仅仅是赝品,还有人心。  这是一个男女主角在知道彼此身份的情况下互飙演技的故事。  聊天群:92411492。1w0-157


内容简介:两个男人,一个金榜题名步步青云,一个卧病在床奄奄一息。前世的时候,林家的大小姐选择了前者。于是被自己的妹妹和夫君一起挖眼断指,含恨而终。重生归来,她要选择那个病痨子小叔子,等着他入土为 安,当一辈子的寡妇,还要把中山狼欠自己的给讨回来!“喂,你快点死,我要当寡妇!”“娘子,我……要死了,你给我留个后吧!”谁知道孩子生完了,他竟然病愈了!林娴怒:人和人之间还能不能有点信任了?(作者菌喜胡编乱造1w0-70679 >>


内容简介:张振东是个充满正能量的放牛娃。虽然家徒四壁穷困潦倒,但小人物却有着大大的梦想,凭着一身异能,带领着贫困的桃花村村民奔向小康,走出大山,冲出城市,走向世界!这是一部乡野少年神医的奋斗日记 。各位书友要是觉得《乡野小神医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37046 >>

Holy Avenger

In almost all respects, Arton is the same as Earth. The sky is blue, the Sun is yellow, the Moon is silver. There we find the same air, the same water, the same trees and animals that we know on Earth. Arton is a world of adventurous heroes. They are everywhere, in kingdoms, villages and cities. The greatest of those heroes is a champion who came to be in recent times. He's only known as the Paladin, and no power has ever proven itself able to defeat him. A holy warrior, tempered by the power of twenty gods, he's the utmost defender of truth, honor and justice. The Paladin has gone missing... (Taken from the 1st volume intro) --- Lisandra has lived on the secluded island of Galrasia her whole life, fostered by cavewolfs. One day she dreams of a golden armored champion. Those dreams wouldn't stop and in time, they became nightmares about this unknown warrior being defeated in battle against a great evil yet to come into being. Those relentless nightmares would lead Lisandra away from Galrasia, to the continent of Arton, where she would begin her quest for the Rubies of Virtue, mystical gems also presented to Lisandra in her dreams. By gathering all the gems, the girl hopes to rid herself of this heavy burden the Gods have given her, and also revive the hero who shall defeat the upcoming darkness... Holy Avenger is a Brazilian manga-influenced comic based on a short RPG adventure of the same name, which takes place in a campaign setting called Tormenta (a synonym for 'Storm' in Portuguese), originally published in the RPG magazine Dragão Brasil. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Avenger NOTE: This is an OEL, not a manga, manhwa, or manhua.

Harukaze No Snegurochka

From MangaHelpers: Set in the Soviet Union, the mysterious girl named Belka and the quiet boy Shchenok help a Socialist Party member to escape from the secret police. Their aim is to infiltrate into a certain mansion that holds what they seek, but the secret police immediately capture the two. Will they be able to find what they seek and endure the torture of the secret police? [DrCoke]

Beast & Feast

While investigating a murder case, Detective Hishinuma Kazuha is reunited with mobster, Hyoudou Itsuki. During their junior high school days, their relationship was like oil and water; Kazuha minded his own business and Hyoudou was emotionally attached. Hyoudou is at a bargaining point as he approaches Kazuha: he'll divulge important information about the case in exchange for Kazuha's body. Kazuha refuses such an unfathomable request, but Hyoudou, the unrestrained beast, takes control... These two interwoven men and their superb, wild, beast-like love!

Amai Yokubou

After being dumped Maya is accused by men of being cold and frigid. An encounter with a stranger leaves her thinking differently, but somehow this stranger knows her name.

A Cavern Of Black Ice

A Cavern Of Black Ice summary: A Cavern Of Black Ice summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Cavern Of Black Ice. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Young Seigneur

The Young Seigneur summary: The Young Seigneur summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Seigneur. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

Auction of To-day

Auction of To-day summary: Auction of To-day summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Auction of To-day. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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